Traditional vs. Gestational Surrogacy

Traditional vs. Gestational Surrogacy

Which Type of Surrogacy Might Be the Best Fit for You?

Traditional and gestational surrogacy methods have a lot in common. Both rely on a surrogate to carry and deliver the baby, and both use some form of in vitro fertilization or artificial insemination. Surrogacy in either form is a complicated process that involves many professionals and complex legal, medical and emotional steps. But there are also many differences when it comes to traditional vs. gestational surrogacy.


Here’s what you should know about these two different types of surrogacy, and the important similarities and distinctions between them:

Understanding the Main Difference between Gestational and Traditional Surrogacy

A common question asked by those who are learning about surrogacy is: “What is the difference between a gestational pregnancy and surrogacy?”

The answer is simple: gestational surrogacy (sometimes simply called “gestational pregnancy”) and traditional surrogacy both use a surrogate to carry the baby to term. However, in traditional surrogacy, the surrogate’s egg is used, which means she’s the biological mother of the baby she carries. In gestational surrogacy, the surrogate has no biological tie to the baby — an egg from a donor or an intended mother is used instead.

Again, both forms of surrogacy are achieved using medical technology in a lab — either IVF or a form of artificial insemination. Surrogate mothers will either be the biological mothers of the babies, or not, and that’s the biggest difference between traditional surrogacy and gestational surrogacy.

Not sure which type of surrogacy is right for you? If you’re thinking about becoming a surrogate (either gestational or traditional) or you’re a hopeful intended parent, understanding the pros and cons of gestational surrogacy vs. traditional surrogate methods may help you make a decision.

Pros and Cons of Traditional Surrogacy

Traditional surrogacy is a complicated process with many benefits and challenges to consider. Here are some of the most common advantages and disadvantages of traditional surrogacy:


. Traditional surrogacy is usually less expensive than gestational surrogacy.

. Intended mothers do not need to undergo medical procedures because their eggs will not be harvested to create the embryo.


. Traditional surrogacy is banned in many countries.

. A traditional surrogate is the biological mother of her child, meaning she has parental rights and the power to change her mind and keep the baby. The intended parents would then need to go to court to gain custody of the child.

. In some cases, intended parents will need to complete a stepparent adoption to both be recognized as the child’s legal parents.

. Many surrogacy professionals do not offer traditional surrogacy programs, and many surrogates are more comfortable with gestational surrogacy than traditional surrogacy.

. Intended mothers do not have the option of being biologically related to their children in traditional surrogacy.

While there are many challenges with traditional surrogacy to consider, it can be and still is done. It is up to every intended parent to weigh the risks of traditional surrogacy before deciding to pursue this option.

Who is traditional surrogacy the best fit for?

Because in traditional surrogacy, the surrogate doubles as the egg donor, traditional surrogacy is most commonly used by:

. Single men

. Same-sex male couples

. Intended mothers who are unable to produce healthy eggs

Traditional surrogacy is usually chosen by surrogacy partners who are already close friends or relatives, as the surrogate will be the biological mother of the baby. Working with someone you know as your surrogacy partner can bring its own challenges, but can also be beneficial for some.

Intended parents and surrogates should only choose traditional surrogacy if they feel comfortable navigating the process and coordinating with the various required professionals on their own, since most surrogacy professionals can’t help with this type of surrogacy.

Pros and Cons of Gestational Surrogacy

Gestational surrogacy has many advantages that make it a popular choice for intended parents, but there are some disadvantages to take into consideration. Here are some of the most common benefits and challenges of gestational surrogacy:


. Gestational surrogacy allows infertile couples, single parents to complete their families.

. Gestational surrogacy allows intended parents to maintain a genetic link to their child.

. Surrogacy gives intended parents the opportunity to create a meaningful relationship with their surrogate.

. Gestational surrogacy is the least legally complicated form of surrogacy because the baby is not related to the gestational carrier.


. Surrogacy is generally a legally complex and expensive process.

. Gestational surrogacy requires intended parents to relinquish some control as someone else carries the pregnancy for them.

. If the intended mother is using her own eggs in the surrogacy process, she will have to undergo fertility treatments and other medical procedures.

Many of the pros and cons of gestational surrogacy apply to other forms of surrogacy as well. Prospective intended parents should compare the different types of surrogacy and carefully weigh all of the benefits and challenges before beginning the gestational surrogacy process.

Who is gestational surrogacy the best fit for?

Gestational surrogacy allows intended parents the opportunity to have a genetic connection to their child, when possible. This type of surrogacy is often chosen by:

. Couples who have viable gametes and would like to be genetically related to their child, but who are unable to carry a baby

. Couples who don’t have viable egg and/or sperm but work with a gamete donor alongside their gestational surrogate

. Same-sex couples

. Single parents


Read more about: Cheapest Country For Surrogacy


About Iranian Surgery

Iranian surgery is an online medical tourism platform where you can find the best gynaecologists and obstetricians in Iran. The price of an Infertility treatment in Iran can vary according to each individual’s case and will be determined based on in-person assessment with the doctor.

For more information about the cost of Traditional and Gestational Surrogacy in Iran and to schedule an appointment in advance, you can contact Iranian Surgery consultants via WhatsApp number 0098 901 929 0946. This service is completely free.





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