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Rhinoplasty stitches

Rhinoplasty stitches

Approved by: Dr. Vahid Dastjerdi ( Plastic surgeon )

Rhinoplasty stitches inside nose 

Open rhinoplasty scar may be observed over the mid columella of the nose. The columella of the nose is described by the skin and soft tissue located at the central bottom of the nose and separates the opening of the two nostrils. When performing open rhinoplasty, an incision is extended from one nostril to the other across the mid columella level. If the columellar incisions are not repaired appropriately, then an open rhinoplasty scar may become evident. First of all, this incision must be repaired in layered fashion and not with a simple external stitch repair.

Rhinoplasty stitches inside nose 


The use of an internal stitch using absorbable suture allows for the incision line to continue having support despite removal of the external stitch after one week. Hydrogen peroxide and antibiotic ointment often help dissolve rhinoplasty stitches inside the nose. The internal suture that we utilize provides support of the incision for up to 3 months thus allowing the incision to heal optimally. The second important consideration is that the upper incision flap must be directed centrally in comparison to the lower incision flap in order to allow for optimal columellar alignment.

What kind of Stitches are used in Rhinoplasty?

There are probably as many choices of stitches (medically called sutures) in rhinoplasty, as there are surgeons performing it.  You need to know that there are two basic kinds of sutures.  The first class of sutures is the suture that dissolves over time.  Some dissolve within 7-10 days, and others can take up to three months.  The plastic surgeon decides how long he needs the sutures in place.  The other kind of sutures are non-dissolvable, or so-called “permanent,” or “removable.”  These must be removed.  Typically, these are the type of sutures that are used on the outside of the nose.  The dissolvers tend to be used on the inside of the nose, and the non-dissolvers tend to be used on the outside.  The outside incisions that typically would employ the non-dissolving sutures, are the open rhinoplasty incision, which is done between the two nostrils.  The other external incision is that used to narrow the nostrils, which is typically placed in the groove between the wings of the nostril and the upper lip and cheek.

Typically, outside non-absorbable sutures are removed somewhere between 7-10 days.

Surgeons tend to use the thinnest or finest suture material possible on the outside, since they are much less apt to cause any “railroad tracking” or cross-hatching.  In the end, your suture line should blend into a normal crease and look natural without calling attention to itself.


How long does it take for rhinoplasty stitches to dissolve?

How long do stitches last after rhinoplasty recovery?

The time it takes for rhinoplasty stitches to dissolve varies. In most instances, nose stitches dissolve within about one to two weeks of rhinoplasty surgery. Meanwhile, in other cases, it may take several weeks or months before a patient’s rhinoplasty stitches fully disappear.

To elucidate, during rhinoplasty, several types of stitches are used. Many of the stitches used in the under surface remain in place for 2 to 3 months, most patients don’t see those and can’t palpate them. The incisions that we place externally for example right between the nostrils in the area called the columella, we often use a dissolvable stitch that lasts about a week. You will see those, and it will look like small skin-colored stitches that come up from the skin, but they dissolve on their own and don’t require removal.

How to Care for Rhinoplasty Stitches?

Taking care of rhinoplasty stitches following nose surgery is critical to achieve the best-possible treatment results. Fortunately, proper care of rhinoplasty stitches can be simple.

A rhinoplasty patient must keep his or her external stitches clean and dry following treatment. Meanwhile, dissolvable stitches inside the nose will disappear on their own within about a week of surgery.

Hydrogen peroxide and antibiotic ointment often help dissolve rhinoplasty stitches inside the nose. A rhinoplasty patient should apply hydrogen peroxide to the suture lines inside the nose once a day with a Q-tip. Also, a rhinoplasty patient should apply antibiotic ointment to the nostrils and incision area twice a day.

We recommend using a humidifier to keep moisture in the air while you heal. Although a rhinoplasty patient can shower as long as they cover their nose with a piece of plastic, baths prove to be a better option to keep the nose dry in the days following nose surgery.

External rhinoplasty stitches are typically removed within one week of treatment. However, if persistent bleeding, redness, fever, infection or other problems occur near a patient’s rhinoplasty stitches, this individual should notify his or her facial plastic surgeon immediately. That way, a rhinoplasty patient can quickly address these issues.

A dissolvable Stitch is bugging me after my Rhinoplasty. Can I cut it?

You may have a dissolvable stitch poking out. This is not dangerous but can be irritating. If your stitch is bugging you, please call your surgeon’s office and let them know. They should schedule you an appointment to have the suture trimmed. In the meantime, please do not pick or tug at it, as this may irritate you nose or cause an infection.

How long do stitches stay in after rhinoplasty?

Usually, your surgeon will use dissolvable sutures inside the nose which will disappear on their own within a few weeks. Any external sutures should be kept clean and dry. If non-dissolvable sutures are used on external incisions, they should be removed within 5 to 7 days after surgery (at the time of splint removal).

How long does it take for stitches to heal after surgery?

The time it takes for dissolvable or absorbable stitches to disappear can vary. Most types should start to dissolve or fall out within a week or two, although it may be a few weeks before they disappear completely. Some may last for several months.

What type of stitches are used in rhinoplasty?

The suture material most commonly used are 5.0 PDS, 5.0 Monocryl, 5.0 Clear Prolene, or 5.0 Clear Nylon. May cause alar retraction. Double Dome Stitch: Mattress or simple type stitch placed between the two domes of the two Lower Lateral Cartilages to bring them together and create more symmetry and support.

How long does it take for skin to shrink after rhinoplasty?

Miller likens your skin to “shrink-wrapping,” saying it takes a while to settle in during the healing process. “Swelling post-op takes from three weeks to three months to go away,” explains Dr. Miller. “Skin contracture can take three to nine months after the swelling goes away

Can you ruin your rhinoplasty?

Good tissue and favorable healing responses are also necessary for a successful rhinoplasty. Bad genes can ruin even the most skillful surgery, especially when combined with weak cartilage and poor skin. … In most cases, surgical swelling will distort the nose for several months after surgery.

Will my nose tip drop after rhinoplasty?

Secondary dropping of the nasal tip ruins more results in rhinoplasty than any other feature of the operation. The result of rhinoplasty is usually satisfactory at the end of the operation, but four to six weeks later we unfortunately observe that the tip occasionally droops.

Do stitches bleed when removed?

Snip and slip the stitches Gently tug on the thread until the suture slips through your skin and out. You may feel slight pressure during this, but removing stitches is rarely painful. Don’t pull the knot through your skin. This could be painful and cause bleeding.

Do wounds open after stitches are taken out?

Wound reopening: If sutures are removed too early, or if excessive force is applied to the wound area, the wound can reopen. … However, scarring may be excessive when sutures are not removed promptly or left in place for a prolonged period of time. This may result in a scar with the appearance of a “railroad track.”

How do you clean your nose after rhinoplasty?

You may gently clean dried blood from the inside of the nose with a Q-tip and dilute hydrogen peroxide. Refrain from blowing your nose or sneezing if possible for 2 weeks. Use saline spray or a bulb syringe for comfort and to help clear drainage. Keep head elevated when resting, and sleep with at least 2 pillows.

How do you clean your nose stitches?

The wound and the stitches that hold it together may be cleansed gently with mild soap and water after 24 hours. Twice daily washing may decrease the risk of infection. Sometimes, your doctor may recommend the use of an antibiotic ointment like bacitracin or Neosporin to help minimize infection.

Is it painful to remove stitches after rhinoplasty?

The stitches are removed once the skin has healed sufficiently. While most patients are nervous about having their stitches removed, the procedure is usually painless. The main advantage of stitches is that they aid in the healing of the wound, and the goal is to avoid scarring or infection.

Can I remove my own rhinoplasty stitches?

You may do so, but you must first consult with your doctor. Your doctor can give you recommendations and instructions on how to properly remove your stitches. They can also advise you on how to avoid infection or scarring if your stitches are removed too soon.

Are there permanent stitches in rhinoplasty?

Nylon, Gortex, polyester, PVDF, and polypropylene are all permanent suture materials. During an open rhinoplasty procedure, the surgeon will typically use permanent, removable sutures to close the visible outer-incision area located between the nostrils. These will be ready for removal during an early post-op visit.

Can I clean my rhinoplasty stitches?

To remove any crusting that may have formed, incision lines should be cleaned 1 to 2 times per day with Hydrogen Peroxide and a Q-tip. Vaseline (in a thin layer) should always be applied to the incision line to aid in skin healing. To keep the incision line moist, apply Vaseline at least 2-3 times per day, if not more.

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