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After IUI Day by Day

IUI success symptoms

What Happens Day by Day after IUI (Signs of Success and Failure)

What Happens After IUI Day by Day?

First 20 Days: Day-by-Day Report of IUI Treatment

. Day 1: Blood Test, Semen Analysis

. Day 2: IUI Procedure

. Day 3: Some women may experience spotting

. Day 6: Implantation Day

. Day 7-8: Implantation Bleeding may be experienced

. Day 10-14: Beta hCG test

. Day 15: Fertilization Day

. Day 16: The fertilized egg becomes impenetrable

. Day 17: Creation and division of cells into two-celled bodies

. Day 18: Embryo formation at the 16-cell stage

. Day 19: The embryo will become a blastocyst.

. Day 20: The developed blastocyst will attach to the uterus.

After 1-3 Days of IUI Procedure

Some women may experience mild cramping or spotting 3 days after IUI. This is not implantation bleeding. This is a common symptom of the procedure. If you still feel uncomfortable after three days, you should discuss the issue with your fertility specialist.

After 6 Days of the IUI Procedure

It is normal to experience mild spotting, stomach discomfort, or cramping. You may also experience dizziness, nausea, constipation, breast tenderness, fatigue, and vomiting.

About 10 days after IUI, some women may experience early pregnancy symptoms, but some women may not experience any of these symptoms even after several days of Implantation. However, this does not indicate a failure of the procedure.

After 14 Days of the IUI Procedure

Doctors usually recommend a pregnancy test two weeks after the procedure, because hormone levels are high enough to detect pregnancy. There is an option for DIY home tests, but fertility specialists usually recommend a proper pregnancy test at a clinic to ensure accuracy.

Some women may experience symptoms such as dizziness, nausea, constipation, breast tenderness, fatigue, and vomiting during the two-week wait. However, it is important to note that not all women experience these symptoms, and some women experience none of these symptoms after IUI.

If the test is negative, you will miss your next period and will be asked to test again. But, if the test is positive, then the doctor will monitor the hormones and recommend the necessary medications.

Days 15 to 28

The fifteenth day is the day of fertilization. From this day onwards, the fertilized egg becomes impenetrable. You can take a pregnancy test from a test kit. However, if you are not sure about the results, you can take a blood or urine test to confirm pregnancy by detecting the hormone hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin). If you are pregnant, you may experience early pregnancy symptoms.

. Spotty bleeding

. Queasiness/Nausea

. Breast Tenderness

. Feeling exhausted

Results After IUI

You may experience implantation bleeding 7 to 11 days after the IUI procedure. It happens when the egg is implanted in your uterus wall. However, these initial spotting symptoms stop after three days.

How Long Does Implantation Take After IUI?

According to reports of successful IUI procedures, implantation usually occurs on day 9 in 40% of women who become pregnant after ovulation.

The fertilization clock starts ticking at ovulation because the egg is only ideal for fertilization within 12 to 24 hours of ovulation. So, the answer to what happens daily after IUI insemination is that the egg and sperm must meet during this time for fertilization. As soon as the egg is fertilized, it is implanted into the uterine lining for a successful pregnancy.

IUI Success Symptoms

Below are some of the main symptoms that indicate that your IUI treatment has probably been successful and that you are most likely pregnant:

. Bleeding within two weeks of the IUI treatment is known as implantation bleeding.

. Breast tenderness

. Menstrual delay

. Nausea

. Food cravings & aversions

. Fatigue

When Do Pregnancy Symptoms Appear?

The simple answer is that you are not pregnant until implantation occurs, and it may take quite a while after implantation for the body to show clear signs of pregnancy.

Implantation is a sign of the medical beginning of pregnancy. It is impossible to get a positive pregnancy test before implantation because implantation causes the body to start producing HCG, the pregnancy hormone that pregnancy tests measure. Since HCG production only begins at the time of implantation, and since you are not pregnant until implantation, it is impossible to experience pregnancy symptoms before implantation.

Many people do not experience symptoms until a few days after implantation, when HCG levels begin to rise rapidly. And some people don’t experience any pregnancy symptoms until they receive a positive pregnancy test. So, don’t let the lack of symptoms destroy your hope.

When to Take Pregnancy Test After IUI?

About two weeks after the IUI procedure, you visit the doctor for a pregnancy test. It’s tempting to take home tests before this point, and there’s no harm in doing so. However, it’s important to note that false negatives are very common in early pregnancy tests before HCG levels rise enough for the test to detect them. Since your doctor will probably do a blood test, you will get a more accurate result from your doctor.

If the first pregnancy test is negative and you don’t get your period a day or two later, your doctor may test again. Sometimes HCG levels rise slowly or implantation occurs later than expected, delaying a positive result.

Your doctor may monitor HCG levels, as this can provide important information about whether the pregnancy is progressing normally. A decrease or slow increase in HCG levels may mean there is a problem, and your doctor may recommend more tests. But if everything looks good, pregnancy becomes a waiting game.

IUI Failure Symptoms

It is important to remember that there are no specific “failure symptoms” for IUI. Instead, the absence of pregnancy symptoms may indicate a failure of the procedure. Here are some common signs that IUI might not have worked:

. No Implantation Bleeding: Implantation bleeding usually occurs 10-14 days after IUI. If you don’t experience spotting, it could be a sign that the procedure didn’t work.

. Missed Period and Negative Pregnancy Test: If your period is late and the pregnancy test is negative, it may indicate that IUI did not result in pregnancy.

. Return of Menstrual Symptoms: If you start experiencing premenstrual symptoms, such as cramping or mood swings, it may be a sign that your IUI has failed.

Remember, everyone’s body is different, so your experience may differ from others. If you are concerned about the success of your IUI, talk to your doctor.

What If IUI Doesn’t Work?

Sometimes the initial test is positive and a few days later it is negative. This usually means you had a very early miscarriage. While miscarriage can be painful, it’s usually due to a chromosomal abnormality—not something you did wrong. It’s not your fault and most women who miscarry will have healthy and happy pregnancies. In many cases, the best choice is another cycle of IUI.

If the first IUI procedure is unsuccessful, you will meet with your doctor to discuss your future options. It’s important to know that an unsuccessful IUI procedure usually doesn’t mean you can’t get pregnant again. So, if all goes well and you’re still a good candidate for IUI, your doctor may recommend trying another cycle of IUI. If you choose not to use fertility drugs for your first IUI cycle, your doctor may recommend using them for the second cycle. Your doctor may also do blood tests to make sure other issues, such as low progesterone, aren’t interfering with the success of IUI.

What Is the Next Step After Several Failed IUI Cycles?

If a woman has a history of 3-4 unsuccessful IUI cycles, is over 35 years old, and has a low ovarian reserve, the next step can be IVF treatment. It has been proven through various studies that IVF and, in the case of severe male factor infertility, ICSI can significantly increase the chances of pregnancy and overcome the failure of IUI.

Read more about: Signs Of Failed Implantation After IVF


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  1. says:

    How soon after IUI can you feel pregnancy symptoms?
    Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is a type of assisted reproductive technology women turn to when they cannot get pregnant due to polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), ovulation disorders, cervical/uterine abnormalities or endometriosis. Intrauterine insemination involves insertion of sperm directly into the uterus using a catheter-like device. If successful, the first sign of pregnancy could be as early as two or three weeks from the time of embryo implantation.

  2. Venla says:

    How I know after iui i pregnant am ? can I know with no test? how you see that in Iran?

    • Iranian Surgery Adviser says:

      Hello. These are day-to-day positive pregnancy symptoms of IUI: Implantation pain: after mothers feel burning or pain in the abdomen during implantation. This issue has not been scientifically confirmed, but the so-called “implantation pain” is relatively common. Implantation Spotting: Some minor bleeding or “spotting” may occur due to the implantation of the fertilized egg in the endometrium. Deep implantation: Deep implantation is an almost mythical condition among expectant mothers. This is not a reliable sign of pregnancy, but if you see one of them in your picture, it is certainly not a bad sign, and finally High temperature. But you should give a pregnancy test to be sure and that is how we approach IUI results in Iran,

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