What Is the Risk of Death with A Tummy Tuck?

How to prevent the risk of death?

What Is the Tummy Tuck Death Rate?

A tummy tuck, also known as an abdominoplasty, is an incredibly popular cosmetic surgery treatment that targets one of the areas of the body that causes us to feel most self-conscious – the abdomen. Tummy tuck surgery can be carried out for many reasons, but it is most commonly seen following significant weight loss or after a patient has had a baby when they want to see excess skin and fat removed and be rewarded with a smoother, tighter, and flatter stomach.

However, A tummy tuck is a serious operation. Risks include infection, poor wound healing, numbness to the area, scarring, and bleeding. This makes it vital to seek out a properly qualified and experienced surgeon who can minimize risks and treat any complications.

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What Is the Risk of Death with A Tummy Tuck?

Published mortality rates associated with tummy tuck range from 0.02% to 0.16%. These include all causes of death for one month after surgery, with the most common one being pulmonary embolism (blood clot from legs to lungs). To put this in perspective, the death rate for elective C-section delivery is about 0.02%, with emergency C-sections having a slightly higher risk. Even a normal vaginal delivery has a death rate of 0.0067%, by some estimates. These statistics may be misleading, however, as recognition of these risks and attempting to minimize them can reduce the likelihood of any complication, including death.

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How to prevent the risk of death?

Providing active anti-embolism stockings for EVERY patient, not just those with long operations or higher risk factors is very important. The doctor should insist on early patient ambulation, which helps keep the blood moving in the patient’s extremities. There are always other things to do such as Seeing the patient the day after surgery (yes, even on weekends), which forces them to get up, get ready, and come to the office for recheck, taking care to keep the patient well-hydrated during and after surgery, minimize blood loss with careful technique during surgery, and in general doing as many of the things possible that most plastic surgeons do to keep their patients safe.

Inpatient hospital care after tummy tuck is a “hidden” risk factor that should be avoided with outpatient surgery. Patients should not be kept (immobile) in recovery for 2-3 or more hours after inhalation anesthesia, and should not be put in a hospital bed with side rails and a button to push if they want a pain shot, a bedpan, or a drink of water. At home, the patient must do these things herself, and the movement and activity help to prevent blood pooling and stasis that occurs when a patient is (un)safely and comfortably asleep (sedated) in the hospital with all of the sick patients and bad bacteria surrounding her!

So, are there risks? Absolutely! Could you be “the one?” Yes. But is it likely? Honestly, in a good place with a good surgeon and staff, not really!

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About Iranian Surgery

Iranian surgery is a medical tourism platform where you can find the best plastic surgeons in Iran. The price of Tummy Tuck in Iran can vary according to each individual’s case and will be determined by an in-person assessment with the doctor.

For more information about the cost of Tummy Tuck in Iran and to schedule an appointment in advance, you can contact Iranian Surgery consultants via WhatsApp number 0098 901 929 0946. This service is completely free.



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