When Can I Have Sex After bbl Surgery?
When can I have sex again is a very common concern after having a Brazilian Butt Lift surgery.
When can I have sex again is a very common concern after having a Brazilian Butt Lift surgery. Of course, the answer is very personal and different for everyone, but the bottom line is: you can have sex when it’s right for you, doesn’t hurt, and you and your partner are both comfortable with it. Some of my clients have been intimate with their partners as soon as 4 days, while others didn’t until 1-2 months later. Do (or not) what is right for you.
Do keep in mind that your plastic surgeon will most likely suggest you stay off your back and butt, so sexy time with your special person will require some creativity and communication, but it can be done. Although making love to your partner after surgery will feel different than before, here at Iranian Surgery, we’ve heard many creative and interesting techniques through the years from clients. It may be different, but you might find the changes new and exciting even. For example, some ladies have shared with us that they’ve made love to their partner while wearing their Faja! Another interesting technique is what was referred to as The Ramp Method. With Ramp Method ladies simply put pillows underneath their tummies without laying on the bed, hence the ramp. No pressure on your booty or back, so great adaptation!
Just because you are healing and your body is going through things it’s not used to, it isn’t a reason not to enjoy intimacy with people who matter the most. Feeling close and connected to the people we love is important, so it’s not something that should be avoided entirely as you recover from your surgery. Remember to have fun, be creative, and be safe! Good luck!
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