
What is Lipedema?

Lipedema is a condition that causes excess fat to accumulate in the lower part of the body. Lipedema most often involves the buttocks, thighs and calves. The upper arms can also be affected. The condition does not affect the hands or feet.

Lipedema is sometimes confused with lymphedema, but these are different conditions. However, lipedema can lead to lymphedema.

About Iranian Surgery

Iranian surgery is an online medical tourism platform where you can find the best Cosmetic Surgeons in Iran. The price of Lipedema Treatment in Iran can vary according to each individual’s case and will be determined based on photos and an in-person assessment with the doctor.

For more information about the cost of Lipedema Treatment in Iran and to schedule an appointment in advance, you can contact Iranian Surgery consultants via WhatsApp number +98 901 929 0946. This service is completely free.

Before Lipedema Treatment

What causes lipedema?

The exact cause of lipedema is unknown. But the condition runs in families and may be inherited. The condition occurs almost exclusively in women, and usually starts or gets worse at the time of puberty, pregnancy or menopause. Because of this, there is likely a connection to hormones. Lipedema is not caused by obesity but more than half of patients with this condition are overweight or obese. Dieting can cause you to lose weight in your upper body without changing the areas affected by lipedema.


Symptoms of lipedema include:

. Fat build-up in buttocks, thighs, calves, and sometimes the upper arms. Diuretics, elevating your legs and support stockings do not help the affected areas. There is typically no swelling in feet, or hands unless the patient has chronic venous insufficiency or lymphedema.

. Pain.

. As the condition gets worse, lipedema can affect your ability to walk.

. Many patients with lipedema have emotional symptoms, such as being embarrassed, anxious and depressed as the lower part of their body grows larger.

. Over time, as more fat accumulates, it can block the lymphatic pathway. This causes a build-up of fluid called lymph. The condition is known as secondary lymphedema or lipo-lymphedema.

During Lipedema Treatment

Lifestyle Changes

A heart-healthy diet may help slow the progression of lipedema, especially if you learn about your condition early on. Exercise, especially swimming, biking and walking, are helpful for mobility and to reduce swelling.

Decongestive Therapy and Compression Therapy

Your doctor may suggest noninvasive treatments, such as:

. A gentle form of skin stretching/massage called manual lymphatic drainage therapy

. Special wrapping techniques called complex decongestive therapy

Invasive Therapies

Liposuction may be used to reduce the size of fat deposits but standard liposuction is not recommended. Wet-jet assisted liposuction is less likely than total tumescent liposuction to cause damage to the lymph vessels and is recommended. If you have lipedema and are also obese, you doctor may recommend bariatric surgery.

After Lipedema Treatment


Each patient has their own set of lipedema conditions and symptoms; therefore, every patient’s recovery is different. A patient’s recovery varies by how many target areas are treated and the severity of each plus how fast a patient’s body heals after surgical procedures. Most patients can return to work in 2 weeks and fully get back to normal activities in 4-6 weeks.

After your first procedure under local anesthesia, you can expect to feel great. Most women walk to their vehicle with little assistance. You may think that you are perfectly fine and capable of driving. You are not. So make sure that your spouse, caregiver or friend knows you well enough to tell you no.

On the day of surgery, and for those first 24 hours post-op, you can expect to sleep a lot. Make sure your caregiver keeps you well hydrated. Water is essential in replacing the volume of fluids lost during surgery and in flushing the anesthesia from your system. Drink plenty of water. Some women have a reduced appetite. Some women are incredibly hungry. Eat healthily. This is not the time to be focused on weight loss. You need to focus on giving your body the nutrition it requires to heal and restore your hemoglobin back to your normal level. Rest. Walk. Heal.

It is important to get plenty of rest after your liposuction procedure but also to walk around. Your body needs time to heal, so resting is essential but also you need to move after surgery. Light walking will reduce the risk of blood clots and reduce any swelling due to an increase in circulation. Also, be patient with your results. It takes weeks if not months for the full effects of your liposuction treatments to take hold, so try not to get discouraged.

Lymphatic sparing liposuction removes excess fluid buildup. Compression garments are medical devices and an extension of the healing process. When worn as directed, they alleviate fluid buildup and help manage lipedema symptoms after liposuction.

Working closely with a board-certified plastic surgeon who is experienced in liposuction, as well as a lipedema specialist is vital. Liposuction treatment for patients who are in the most severe stages of lipedema helps to take some of the pressure off the body. It can also alleviate painful symptoms that are caused by this condition while making women feel better about how they look.

What Is the Best Diet for Lipedema?

Depending on the cause of your condition and its severity, there are a couple of things lipedema patients can do to reduce the occurrence of lipedema; this includes using a special nutritional lipedema diet.

A healthy diet for lipedema usually depends on the person, as certain diets are more effective depending on your body type and the severity of the condition. Therefore, to determine the best diet for lipedema, it is always a good idea to speak to a healthcare professional such as a dietician or a nutritionist. The overall aim is to reduce inflammation and fluid retention in the body. In addition to recommending a suitable diet, a nutritionist or dietician can also provide you with lipedema diet recipes that make it easier to adapt to your new lifestyle.

In most cases, patients are advised to reduce their intake of pasteurized dairy products, animal proteins, and fats. There are also many benefits to maintaining a low glycemic index and reducing the intake of simple sugars, carbohydrates, salt, wheat, glucose and products containing processed flour. Instead, patients should consume more fruit, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, and healthy protein. A gluten-free or low-gluten diet may be recommended as it can have anti-inflammatory effects for lipedema patients.

While there is general advice available, diets can be quite diverse, going from the lipedema carnivore diet to the lipedema vegan diet. All these dieting options can make it more difficult to choose a lipedema treatment diet that is suitable for you. This is also the main reason why visiting a nutritionist or dietician is so important.

Some patients consider the ketogenic diet for lipedema. The keto diet for lipedema can be effective in many cases, this diet includes intake of healthy fat (high fat) and low carb. The intake of artificial sweeteners is also discouraged in this diet. Patients on the diet often experienced reduced swelling and less pain. However, any diet should always be discussed with a trained medical professional.






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