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Driving after meniscus surgery

Driving after meniscus surgery

How soon can you drive after Arthroscopic Knee Surgery?

Normally, you should refrain from driving for at least 1 week after an arthroscopic knee operation, until the swelling reduces and the knee motion improves, but you should establish with your doctor when it is safe to start driving. You will need to be fully recovered from your surgical procedure and you should also be free from the distracting effect of pain or the sedative or other effects of any painkillers you are taking. You also need to be free of any physical restrictions due to your operation, be comfortable in the driving position and able to safely control your car, including freely performing an emergency stop.

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. Driving – an exercise

After about 7–10 days, you might want to test your fitness to drive. Do this in a safe place without putting the keys in the ignition: simply sit in the driving seat and practice putting firm pressure on the pedals. If you feel pain, you are not yet ready to drive. If you feel sore afterwards, you may need to wait a day or two and try again. Only when you feel you can put enough pressure on the pedals to do an emergency stop, should you think about driving again.



How long before you can drive after meniscus surgery?

You can start driving again in a week or two if you have regained motion in the leg without too much pain and you aren’t taking opioid pain relievers. You will probably be able to return to a physically active job in four to six weeks

Can you drive after meniscus repair surgery?

Even though patients go home after arthroscopic meniscus repair, they will appreciate some assistance for the first several days after surgery. Driving is not recommended until a patient is comfortable off all narcotic pain medications

Can you drive after an arthroscopy?

Driving. … Normally, you should refrain from driving for at least 1 week after an arthroscopic knee operation, until the swelling reduces and the knee motion improves, but you should establish with your doctor when it is safe to start driving.

Do you wear a knee brace after meniscus surgery?

Wearing a rehabilitative knee brace will help the user recover from a torn meniscus by providing stability to the joint and preventing the wearer from aggravating the injury even further. Knee braces with hinges on either side of the knee offer protection and prevent that wobbly feeling you may get after a knee injury

How long are you off work after arthroscopic knee surgery?

It takes up to six weeks for the knee joint to re-establish normal joint fluid after arthroscopic surgery. Because of this, you may not realize the benefits of your surgery for four to six weeks. There is a high degree of variability in recovery times

Can you walk immediately after meniscus surgery?

If necessary due to pain, patients may opt to use crutches or a walker for a few days after surgery. Once more comfortable, most people are able to walk with a minimal limp within one or two weeks after surgery. Most patients realize a benefit from arthroscopic knee surgery within 4 to 6 weeks

Are you put to sleep for meniscus surgery?

General Anesthesia: General anesthesia allows you to sleep through the procedure. … Local Anesthesia: Local anesthesia is an option for some types of knee arthroscopy. The surgery is usually done with light sedation, and the patient may require general anesthesia if the procedure becomes uncomfortable

Can I drive after a knee arthroscopy?

Recommendations for driving after right knee arthroscopy. … After simple right knee arthroscopy, the common consensus indicates that patients may safely return to driving 1 week postoperatively when they are narcotic-free and feel safe to control their vehicle.

How long will I be off work after shoulder arthroscopy?

This will probably start 1 to 2 weeks after your surgery and last for 4 to 6 months. You may be able to do easier daily activities in 2 to 3 weeks. Most people who work at desk jobs can return to work at this time. If you lift, push, or pull at work, you will probably need 3 to 4 months off

How long are you off work for a meniscus surgery?

This usually takes 1 to 2 weeks. How soon you can return to work depends on your job. If you sit at work, you may be able to go back in 1 to 2 weeks. But if you are on your feet at work, it may take 4 to 6 weeks.
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