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How to hide blepharoplasty scars?

blepharoplasty scars

How to hide lower blepharoplasty scars?

How to Reduce Scars After Blepharoplasty Surgery?

Scarring is the body’s natural way of healing. While blepharoplasty scars heal to an almost unnoticeable form, the incisions can take up to a year to fade. In most cases, patients can expect incisions to look their worst for about six weeks after surgery, along with bruising and swelling that occurs. The quicker a scar heals, the less visible it will be.

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Here are some easy blepharoplasty scar treatment tips:

. Avoid sun exposure: Avoid exposing blepharoplasty scars to direct sunlight by investing in good sunscreen of 30 SPF or more to cover your face and eyelid area.

. Massage the incision scars: Gently massage blepharoplasty scars with vitamin E or silicone gel for at least 10 – 14 days, but it can be continued for 2 – 3 months after surgery. Either topical treatment will increase skin hydration and reduce poor scarring.

. Avoid strenuous activity: Avoid moving, lifting, or putting stress on the incisions, which can pull apart and delay the healing process. Follow Dr. Myint’s post-op instructions and don’t risk any chances of healing quickly and correctly.

. Don’t smoke: Smoking and drinking alcohol can dehydrate skin and increase your risk of scarring and slow down the healing process. Avoiding these two factors and staying hydrated will increase your chances of healing quickly with minimal scarring.

. Lessen your risk for infection: Follow your doctor’s instructions for blepharoplasty scar treatment and take care of your incisions properly to reduce your risk of infection.

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. Maintain a healthy lifestyle: You can be at a greater risk of scarring if you are overweight because the fat under your skin may require more extensive incisions. Maintain a healthy weight before and after surgery while cutting back on fatty foods or empty carbohydrates. The more nutrition you give your body, the easier it will be to heal.


How long is recovery from blepharoplasty?

Most people return to normal activities after seven to 10 days following blepharoplasty. By two weeks after eyelid surgery, the majority of the bruising and swelling will resolve.

Is eyelid surgery painful?

After surgery, your eyelid may feel tight and sore. Your eye may be watery, dry, sticky, itchy, or sensitive to light. Your vision may be blurry for a few days. Your doctor will give you medicines to help with pain and discomfort.

What can I expect after eyelid surgery?

If you use contact lenses, don’t put them in for about two weeks after surgery. Wear darkly tinted sunglasses to protect the skin of your eyelids from sun and wind. Sleep with your head raised higher than your chest for a few days. Apply cool compresses to reduce swelling.

How do you clean your eyes after blepharoplasty?

To minimize swelling you may use cool clean compresses or ice wrapped in a dry cloth. Apply these gently to your closed eyes four to six times a day for the first twenty-four hours after surgery. Sleep with the head elevated for the first week after surgery.

How long does Chemosis last after blepharoplasty?

RESULTS: The incidence of chemosis was 11.5 percent in this population of lower lid blepharoplasty patients. Chemosis presented intraoperatively or up to 1 week postoperatively. The median duration was 4 weeks, with a range from 1 to 12 weeks.

How long does swelling last after blepharoplasty?

Recovery from eyelid surgery generally takes several weeks. Within two days to a week, the stitches will be removed. In the first week, patients will want to make sure that their eyes receive plenty of rest. The redness and swelling occurring after the blepharoplasty procedure will fade with time.

How long after blepharoplasty can I wear makeup?

This will take at least 10 days; however, it’s safest to wait at least 2 to 3 weeks before wearing eye makeup so your incisions can completely heal. You will likely feel ready to return to work and other daily activities after only a few days, but it takes several days for your incisions to truly close.

Can Botox help sagging eyelids?

As the eyebrow and forehead descend, a loose fold of skin begins to cover the upper eyelid and make our eyes look tired and old. … For most people the use of BOTOX® can help lift and prevent some of the forces which act to pull the forehead down and cause brow ptosis or sagging.

How can I tighten my eyelids?

How to Tighten Loose Skin on the Eyelids Do daily exercises to help strengthen the muscles in your eyelids and tone loose skin that may have begun to sag. … Use a firming or anti-aging cream to tighten loose skin around your eyes and on your eyelids. … Undergo a beauty treatment called Thermage.

Why do eyelids droop?

This condition also can be caused by a problem with the muscles lifting the eyelid, called levators. Sometimes a person’s facial anatomy causes difficulties with the levator muscles. An eye tumor, neurological disorder or systemic disease like diabetes are other causes of drooping eyelids.

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