atrial fibrillation in Iran

Atrial fibrillation is one of the most common types of arrhythmias, which are irregular heart rhythms. Atrial fibrillation causes your heart to beat much faster than normal. Also, your heart’s upper and lower chambers do not work together as they should. When this happens, the lower chambers do not fill completely or pump enough blood to your lungs and body. This can make you feel tired or dizzy, or you may notice heart palpitations or chest pain. Blood also pools in your heart, which increases your risk of forming clots and can leads to strokes or other complications. Atrial fibrillation can also occur without any signs or symptoms. Untreated fibrillation can lead to serious and even life-threatening complications.
Sometimes atrial fibrillation goes away on its own. For some people, atrial fibrillation is an ongoing heart problem that lasts for years. Over time, it may happen more often and last longer. Treatment restores normal heart rhythms, helps control symptoms, and prevents complications. Your doctor may recommend medicines, medical procedures, and lifestyle changes to treat your atrial fibrillation.

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What are the Symptoms of atrial fibrillation?

Some people with atrial fibrillation have no symptoms and are unaware of their condition until it’s discovered during a physical examination. Those who do have atrial fibrillation symptoms may experience signs and symptoms such as:

What are the risks and causes atrial fibrillation?

AF is linked to several forms of cardiovascular disease, but may occur in otherwise normal hearts. Cardiovascular factors known to be associated with the development of AF include high blood pressure, coronary artery disease, mitral valve stenosis (e.g., due to rheumatic heart disease or mitral valve prolapse), mitral regurgitation, left atrial enlargement, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), pericarditis, congenital heart disease, and previous heart surgery. Additionally, lung diseases (such as pneumonia, lung cancer, pulmonary embolism, and sarcoidosis) are thought to play a role in certain people. Disorders of breathing during sleep such as obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) are also associated with AF. Obesity is a risk factor for AF. Hyperthyroidism and subclinical hyperthyroidism are associated with AF development. Caffeine consumption does not appear to be associated with AF, but excessive alcohol consumption (“binge drinking” or “holiday heart syndrome”) is linked to AF. Sepsis also increases the risk of developing new-onset atrial fibrillation. Long-term endurance exercise (e.g., long-distance bicycling or marathon running) appears to be associated with a modest increase in the risk of atrial fibrillation in middle-aged and elderly people. Tobacco smoking and secondhand tobacco smoke exposure are associated with an increased risk of developing atrial fibrillation.

How to prevent from atrial fibrillation

To prevent atrial fibrillation, it’s important to live a heart-healthy lifestyle to reduce your risk of heart disease. A healthy lifestyle may include:

How to Diagnose atrial fibrillation in Iran?

To diagnose atrial fibrillation, your doctor may review your signs and symptoms, review your medical history, and conduct a physical examination. Your doctor may order several tests to diagnose your condition, including:

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atrial fibrillation treatment in Iran

Your doctor will decide on the best treatment, depending on:

  1. Medicines

Most people with atrial fibrillation will need to take medicines. Your doctor will decide the best ones.

They may prescribe medicines to restore or maintain a normal heart beat in the short or long term.

Most medicines usually have to be taken for the long term. It’s important to take medicines as prescribed.

  1. Procedures

Your doctor may also recommend procedures like:

Catheter ablation is a procedure that very carefully destroys the diseased area of your heart and interrupts abnormal electrical circuits.

It’s an option if medicine has not been effective or tolerated.

Catheters (thin, soft wires) are guided through 1 of your veins into your heart, where they record electrical activity.

When the source of the abnormality is found, an energy source, such as high-frequency radiowaves that generate heat, is transmitted through 1 of the catheters to destroy the tissue.

The procedure usually takes 2 to 3 hours, so it may be carried out under general anaesthetic, which means you’re unconscious during the procedure.

You should make a quick recovery after having catheter ablation and be able to carry out most of your normal activities the next day.

But you should not lift anything heavy for 2 weeks, and driving should be avoided for the first 2 days.

  1. Lifestyle changes

As with other heart conditions the best way to manage your heart health is to make sure you see your doctor regularly and reduce the risks. It’s important to manage the risk factors for heart disease to avoid more heart problems.

You may also need to reduce your caffeine intake.

What are the atrial fibrillation complications?

Sometimes atrial fibrillation can lead to the following complications:

What is the best treatment for atrial fibrillation?

To correct your condition, doctors may be able to reset your heart to its regular rhythm (sinus rhythm) using a procedure called cardioversion, depending on the underlying cause of atrial fibrillation and how long you’ve had it. Cardioversion can be done in two ways: Electrical cardioversion

What is the first line treatment for atrial fibrillation?

Beta-blockers and calcium channel blockers are first-line agents for rate control in AF. These drugs can be administered either intravenously or orally. They are effective at rest and with exertion. Intravenous diltiazem or metoprolol are commonly used for AF with a rapid ventricular response.

What is the drug of choice for atrial fibrillation?

Drug choices for rate control include beta-blockers, verapamil and diltiazem, and digitalis as first-line agents, with consideration of other sympatholytics, amiodarone, or nonpharmacologic approaches in resistant cases

Can you drink coffee if you have atrial fibrillation?

The researchers concluded that most people with AFib could handle normal amounts of caffeine, like what’s found in cups of coffee, without worrying about potential AFib-related problems. The bottom line is that recommendations for caffeine intake with AFib vary.

What triggers atrial fibrillation?

Air pollution and intense exercise can lead to an attack of afib. From its triggers to its symptoms, atrial fibrillation (afib) can be unpredictable. … You’re probably aware of common afib triggers, including alcohol, smoking, exercise, and over-the-counter cough and cold medications

Does a pacemaker help AFib?

But if you have AFib and your heart is beating too slowly, your doctor may recommend a pacemaker along with other treatment. … You also might need a pacemaker if you have AFib and congestive heart failure. That’s when your heart can’t pump enough blood to the rest of your body the way it should.

Is Cardizem used for atrial fibrillation?

Drugs Commonly Used to Control Ventricular Rate in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation. … The calcium channel blockers diltiazem (Cardizem) and verapamil (Calan, Isoptin) are effective for initial ventricular rate control in patients with atrial fibrillation.

Can aspirin be used to treat atrial fibrillation?

Aspirin not an effective treatment for atrial fibrillation, study suggests. … In fact, for patients who had a catheter ablation to lower their risk of stroke, the risks of using aspirin may outweigh the benefits. New research suggests that aspirin has ‘little to no benefit’ for treating atrial fibrillation

Does metoprolol treat atrial fibrillation?

It has been shown recently that the beta-blocker metoprolol controlled release/extended release (CR/XL) is also effective in maintaining sinus rhythm after conversion of atrial fibrillation. … beta-blockers are effective in maintaining sinus rhythm and controlling the ventricular rate during atrial fibrillation

Which anticoagulant is best for atrial fibrillation?

Anticoagulants used for atrial fibrillation are warfarin (Coumadin), apixaban (Eliquis), dabigatran (Pradaxa), and rivaroxaban (Xarelto). Your doctor can help you understand which medicine might be best for you. This may depend on your health and your preferences about taking medicine

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