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Is abdominal etching permanent?

Abdominal etching

Abdominal Etching

What is Abdominal Etching?

Abdominal etching also known as ‘six-pack liposuction’ or ‘six pack surgery’ is a type of liposuction procedure. Like traditional liposuction, abdominal etching uses a suction technique to remove fat deposits from underneath your skin. What makes abdominal etching unique are the results that it aims to achieve.

Instead of removing fat from your midsection with the simple goal of a slimmer appearance, abdominal etching removes fat deposits in an advanced and strategic way. This type of liposuction molds and shapes your abdominal wall so that your ab muscles look more prominent.

Abdominal Etching

About Iranian Surgery

Iranian surgery is an online medical tourism platform where you can find the best cosmetic Surgeons in Iran. All cosmetic surgeons working with Iranian Surgery specialize in plastic surgery and perform cosmetic surgeries in well-equipped hospitals, so after Abdominal Etching surgery in Iran you will face the least possible complications.

For more information about the cost of Abdominal Etching in Iran and to schedule an appointment in advance, you can contact Iranian Surgery consultants via WhatsApp number 0098 901 929 0946. This service is completely free.

Before Abdominal Etching

Am I a candidate for abdominal etching?

As with any surgical procedure, abdominal etching carries a risk of complications. The ideal candidate for abdominal etching is a healthy person who doesn’t smoke, has no life threatening health conditions, and doesn’t have obesity.

Abdominal etching works best for people who are less than 30 percent over their ideal body weight, with healthy muscle and skin tone. Your age and your skin’s elasticity should also be considered when being realistic about the results of abdominal etching.

People who undergo any type of liposuction must be healthy enough to safely go under anesthesia.

This procedure is suitable for individuals who:

. Have a healthy diet

. Exercise regularly

. Struggle with ‘resistant tummy fat’

. Already have toned underlying abdominals

. Desire more defined abdominal lines

. Have realistic expectations

. Know the advantages and disadvantages of cosmetic surgery

You are still a good candidate if you have undergone tummy tucks or liposuction in the past, but still desire a more chiseled appearance. But before going ahead, it is a good idea to speak to your doctor to discuss whether abdominal etching is right for you.

Abdominal Etching

Targeted areas for abdominal etching

Abdominal etching only targets your waistline and midsection. The rectus abdominis and obliques are the most affected by this type of liposuction.

Risks and side effects

Abdominal etching is considered a low-risk cosmetic procedure. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t a risk of complications and side effects.

Common side effects after a liposuction procedure like abdominal etching include:

. Nerve and blood vessel damage

. Skin discoloration

. Bumpy skin or irregular healing

. Swelling

. Fluid accumulation

. Anesthesia bruising or headaches

You may also notice pus or discharge coming from the site of your procedure. If the pus is greenish or yellow-tinged, contact your doctor.

Having a fever in the days after an abdominal etching an also be a sign of an infection. Let your doctor know about these side effects, and seek emergency medical care right away if you suspect you have an infection.

Preparing for abdominal etching

Preparing for abdominal etching is a similar process to getting ready for traditional liposuction. The first part of the process involves a detailed consultation with a licensed and board-certified cosmetic surgeon. You’ll talk about your expectations for the procedure, as well as any unique caveats for your specific body type and health concerns.

For 2 weeks before the procedure, you’ll need to avoid taking aspirin, herbal supplements, and any medication that can thin your blood and increase your bleeding risk. Your doctor should be aware of any prescription medications that you’re taking before your procedure. You may also be advised to stop smoking if you currently smoke.

Before the procedure, you’ll need to arrange a ride to and from the facility where it’s being performed. The pain and swelling are minimal, but you’ll still not be permitted to drive yourself home.

During Abdominal Etching

How does abdominal etching work?

Abdominal etching works similarly to traditional liposuction, but there’s one important distinction. The fat deposits that cover your abdominal muscles are carefully carved off your body, using small incisions usually based around your belly button.

When done carefully, this technique can deepen the natural grooves in your body and make your ab muscles appear much more prominent.

Fat deposits may also be taken from the sides overlying your oblique abdominal muscles to narrow your midsection. When the swelling subsides and the area heals, you should see a visibly toned midsection.

Procedure for abdominal etching

Your abdominal etching procedure will take about an hour, on average.

  1. While you’re standing up, your doctor will mark the areas that are being sculpted and enhanced. This may feel a bit like your abs are being drawn on. Once you’re both satisfied with the intended result, you’ll be ready to lie down and prepare for surgery.
  2. A foam dressing that matches the drawing on your body will then be applied to your body. You’ll be put under general or local anesthesia, depending on your preference and your doctor’s recommendation.
  3. The skin on your belly will be numb as the doctor makes incisions, called ports, to access and remove the fat deposits. This process will be done using a scalpel and a cannula pump (an instrument that drains fluid or fat deposits). The ports will be open until the end of the surgery to drain fat, fluid, and blood from your body.
  4. Your incisions are then closed and dressed. A compression garment is applied to your midsection to ensure that the belly begins to heal. The foam dressing that was applied before surgery stays on under the compression garment.
  5. After the fat is removed and the anesthesia wears off, you’ll need to keep the compression garment on until your doctor gives you the go-ahead to remove it, typically 4 to 6 weeks.

After Abdominal Etching

Abdominal Etching Recovery

Recovery from abdominal etching takes some time. Immediately after the procedure, you may need to wear a compression garment to make sure that the cosmetic surgeon’s work seals and heals smoothly.

You’ll most likely be able to resume most of your normal activities 2 weeks after abdominal etching.

One study reported that you can resume exercise as quickly as 5 days post-surgery, but that advice may vary according to your specific procedure.

In any case, avoid strenuous exercise until you’re cleared by your doctor. This includes anything that would contract the ab muscles, such as crunches and planks.

After 2 to 5 months, you’ll be able to see the full results of your abdominal etching procedure. As swelling subsides and your skin begins to adhere to its new shape, you should be able to see your abs more visibly and a tighter, more toned-looking midsection.

Abdominal etching claims to produce permanent results, with some caveats. Weight gain and pregnancy can erase the results of this procedure. Also, the natural aging process of your body means that eventually your abs might not be as defined and visible as they are right after the procedure.

Abdominal etching vs. traditional liposuction

Abdominal etching is similar to traditional liposuction in that the preparation for surgery, recovery time, and requirements for the procedure are very similar.

The results of abdominal etching are much more prominent and dramatic than traditional liposuction. It may also be more expensive and less convenient to find a provider who’s trained in this specific procedure.

Abdominal etching is considered a form of advanced or 3-D liposuction, which means the results are extremely specific and target certain areas of your body.

Traditional liposuction isn’t so exact. However, this means that if abdominal etching doesn’t heal correctly, or if your body simply heals in a way that your doctor doesn’t anticipate, you’re more likely to need corrective surgery.

In a review of 512 cases of men who had abdominal etching procedures, only 3 people needed corrective surgeries.




How much does abdominal etching cost?

Abdominal Etching Costs Abdominal etching surgery prices can range from $3,000 to $10,000. The cost of treatment varies based on a number of factors, including: The amount of fat removal. The liposuction technique (for example, tumescent liposuction surgery, ultrasonic liposuction surgery, or Smartlipo surgery™)

What is lipo sculpting?

Liposculpture is a derivative of liposuction. They are often used synonymously. Liposuction strictly means to remove fat cells from a certain area, sort of like “debulking” the area of fat. On the other hand, liposculpture is aiming at removing fat in areas to sculpt the body.

How long does abdominal etching last?

Since the excess fat is removed and the remaining tissue is sculpted into the six-pack look you desire, the results of an abdominal etching procedure at typically visible within six months to a year, but will last for as long as you continue to stay in shape.

What is the best surgery for belly fat?

The best way to make a choice between liposuction, CoolSculpting, Zerona, truSculpt, and other noninvasive forms of fat reduction is to seek the advice of a board certified cosmetic surgeon

Can you get ab implants?

There’s ab implants and “ab etching”. Abdominal etching, or Ab etching can be done by a plastic surgeon. The procedure selectively removes a small amount of fat around the patient’s natural muscular contours and shapes or sculpts the abdomen to create a more athletic contour. … Ab implants are what they sound like

Do bodybuilders get liposuction?

Liposuction is one of the cosmetic procedures bodybuilders sometimes seek to show their muscles. … Liposuction is one of the obvious procedures. You may have seen how bodybuilders lose as much fat and water as possible for competition to pose. Sometimes they have had surgical help

How dangerous is a liposuction?

As with any major surgery, liposuction carries risks, such as bleeding and a reaction to anesthesia. Possible complications specific to liposuction include: Contour irregularities. Your skin may appear bumpy, wavy or withered due to uneven fat removal, poor skin elasticity and unusual healing.

What is ab etching?

Abdominal etching (also known as ab etch) at Y Plastic, Reconstructive, and Hand Surgery uses liposculpture (a more detailed version of surgical liposuction) to remove fat that is resistant to diet and exercise, while emphasizing the lines of the stomach muscles.

Which is better liposuction or CoolSculpting?

Liposuction is the more aggressive treatment of the two, allowing more fat to be removed in a single session. Because CoolSculpting removes less fat per treatment, patients may need several sessions of CoolSculpting to get their optimal result. … CoolSculpting can be a great option for smaller fatty deposits

Is CoolSculpting better than laser lipo?

CoolSculpting is noninvasive, while laser lipo is a minor surgical procedure. Laser lipo carries many of the same risks and side effects as traditional liposuction, but on a smaller scale. … Noninvasive treatments like CoolSculpting can sometimes be combined with laser lipo for more dramatic results
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