Surrogacy With Donor Egg

Surrogacy With Donor Egg

Surrogacy With Donor Egg If you are considering using an egg donor and a surrogate to have a baby, you are not alone! We understand that you also might feel a bit disheartened when looking for information, as many times the details you find may address only half of the equation, either having a baby […]

How Many Donor-Egg Cycles Before Success?

How Many Donor-Egg Cycles Before Success?

How Many Donor-Egg Cycles Before Success? In IVF treatments with donor eggs and/or sperm, success rates are higher if compared to cycles where own gametes (eggs and sperm) are used. This is due to the fact that donors are young persons who lead a healthy lifestyle, and are free from genetic abnormalities or diseases affecting their fertility. […]

Difference Between Egg Donor and Surrogate

Difference Between Egg Donor and Surrogate

What is the Difference Between Egg Donor and Surrogate? Are you considering using an egg donor or a surrogate to help you become a parent? It’s a complicated decision to make, which is why it’s so important that every intended parent in this situation fully understand both of their options before moving forward. Only then […]

How Many Rounds of IVF Are Normal?

How Many Rounds of IVF Are Normal?

How Many Rounds of IVF Are Normal? In IVF, a round or ART cycle refers to the total process required to retrieve eggs and sperm, fertilize the eggs, and insert the embryo into a woman’s uterus. The entire process can take anywhere from 4-6 weeks to complete and includes 5 steps: . Fertility medications to […]