After Egg Retrieval Period

After Egg Retrieval Period

After Egg Retrieval Period Period after Egg Retrieval After egg retrieval, your body faces hormonal changes; as a result, your first or second period after egg retrieval may be missed or delayed, which is quite normal. In most cases, people have their first period 10 to 14 days after egg retrieval, but having the second […]

After Egg Retrieval Pain

After Egg Retrieval Pain

After Egg Retrieval Pain In our experience, patients are usually able to manage any pain after the retrieval with a prescription strength pain medication the evening of the retrieval and over the counter pain medications for the next day or two. Typically, patients say that recovery wasn’t as bad as they thought. If you experience […]

After Egg Retrieval Intercourse

After Egg Retrieval Intercourse

How long after egg retrieval can you have intercourse? Can you have intercourse after egg retrieval? Why can’t you have intercourse after egg retrieval? Sex after egg retrieval For patients undergoing fertility treatment, especially after procedures such as egg retrieval or embryo transfer. The frequently asked question of couples is the problem of having sex […]

After Egg Retrieval What to Eat?

After Egg Retrieval What to Eat

What should women eat after Egg Retrieval? If you just did your egg retrieval, great job! That is no small feat. Your work is done, so it’s time to leave the rest up to the embryology lab at your fertility clinic. Now you can focus on getting back to your pre-stims self. In this article […]

After Egg Retrieval Bloating

After Egg Retrieval Bloating

  Some discomfort such as bloating or cramps is common after egg retrieval. Your doctor will let you know what pain medications are best to use after the egg retrieval procedure. Weight gain is also normal for some women and is usually caused by water retention or extra fluid in the ovaries. However, the symptoms […]

Before Donor Egg Transfer

Before Donor Egg Transfer

Preparing For Egg Donor Transfer Using donor eggs for your IVF treatment isn’t just a case of undergoing an embryo transfer. IVF with donor eggs is a carefully planned process, in particular for the recipient, so that your body is ready to receive the created embryo to maximize the chances of successful implantation. Here’s how […]