Can You Determine Sex Through IVF?

Can You Determine Sex Through IVF?

Can You Choose Gender With IVF? For anyone unfamiliar with the IVF process, the option to choose the gender of your baby may seem futuristic, even controversial. But gender selection actually happens quite often in fertility clinics around the country—and it’s just one small aspect of the genetic testing that can take place before a […]

IVF Preparation Checklist

IVF Preparation Checklist

IVF Preparation Checklist: Everything You Need to Know You’re about to start your in vitro fertilization (IVF) journey — or perhaps you’re already on it. But you’re not alone — about 1 in 8 women need this extra help in getting pregnant. If you’re ready to start or add to your family and have tried […]

Brazilian Butt Lift Revision

Brazilian Butt Lift Revision

Brazilian Butt Lift Revision What is Brazilian Butt Lift Revision Surgery? A BBL revision can address a variety of concerns, including issues with healing, size, asymmetry, and irregular contours or dents, lumps, rippling, and skin trenches. Your surgical plan will depend on your concerns, anatomy, and desired results. Revisions may involve transferring more fat, to […]