Leg Length Discrepancy Exercises

Leg Length Discrepancy Exercises

Leg Length Discrepancy Exercises Some people are born with one leg longer than the other. In other cases, injury or illness causes a discrepancy in leg length that may progress over time. This isn’t necessarily something to worry about, as a little variation is normal and likely won’t lead to any health issues. However, greater […]

Leg Lengthening Surgery Recovery

Leg Lengthening Surgery Recovery

After Leg Lengthening Surgery After your surgery, you will stay in a recovery room for several hours and then be transported to a hospital room. Most patients stay in the hospital for two to three days after the surgery. Sometimes a cast is placed on the leg for three to four weeks. You will receive […]

Advantages and Disadvantages of Sex Reassignment Surgery

Advantages and Disadvantages of Sex Reassignment Surgery

What are the Advantages and Disadvantages Sex Reassignment Surgery? Pros: . A patient who undergoes a sex reassignment procedure is able to enjoy her sexual life in the future as s/he does not have to deal with the mental stress of being in the wrong body. . Finding the right doctor and getting the desired […]

Good Candidates for S-e-x Reassignment Surgery

Good Candidates for Sex Reassignment Surgery

Who are the ideal Candidates for S-e-x Reassignment Surgery? . The patient must have good Body Mass Index. Their weight divided by the square of their height should give a value between 20 and 25. Being overweight won’t necessarily exclude a person from surgery, but a stable weight category definitely helps as the excess fat […]