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Endometriosis treatment

endometriosis treatment in Iran

How do I know if I have endometriosis? What are endometriosis risk factors? How do you get rid of endometriosis? Can endometriosis go away on its own? What will happen if endometriosis is left untreated? Endometriosis Endometrial tissue consists of gland, blood cells, and connective tissue. It normally grows in the uterus, to prepare the lining of […]

Atrial Fibrillation in Iran

atrial fibrillation in Iran

atrial fibrillation in Iran Atrial fibrillation is one of the most common types of arrhythmias, which are irregular heart rhythms. Atrial fibrillation causes your heart to beat much faster than normal. Also, your heart’s upper and lower chambers do not work together as they should. When this happens, the lower chambers do not fill completely […]


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Perineoplasty Success Rate What is Perineoplasty or Perineocele Repair? Perineoplasty, or perineorrhaphy, is a surgical procedure that tightens the entrance to the vagina and corrects damage to perineal tissue, the area between the vagina and rectum. The procedure can be performed on its own to improve sexual function, but it’s frequently performed along with other […]

Perineoplasty Stitches

Perineoplasty Stitches

Perineoplasty Stitches Patients are cautioned to refrain from having sex for six weeks. It is recommended that any strenuous activity such a bicycling, horseback riding, heavy lifting, or stretching be avoided during this time as well. Tampons should not be used. Most patients should be able to return to work after several days. Pain and […]

Mini gastric bypass VS gastric bypass

Mini gastric bypass VS gastric bypass

Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch (BPD/DS) What is Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch (BPD/DS)? The Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch – abbreviated as BPD/DS – is a procedure with two components. First, a smaller, tubular stomach pouch is created by removing a portion of the stomach, very similar to the sleeve gastrectomy. Next, a large […]

Mini gastric bypass surgery side effects

Mini gastric bypass surgery side effects

Risks and Side effects of Mini Gastric Bypass Is Mini Gastric Bypass Safe? How much weight can you lose with mini gastric bypass? Is the mini gastric bypass reversible? As with any surgical procedure, the mini-gastric bypass surgery has a risk profile which is important to understand before proceeding. The following is a comprehensive list […]

Mini gastric bypass surgery pros and cons

Mini gastric bypass surgery pros and cons

Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery Pros and Cons what are the advantages and disadvantages of bariatric surgery?Is mini bypass better than full bypass?What are the side effects of mini bypass? The small intestine is not cut during the Mini Gastric Bypass procedure. This technique involves attaching 150–200 cm of the small intestine to the shrunk stomach. […]

Knee pain 1 year after meniscus surgery

Knee pain 1 year after meniscus surgery

Why does my knee hurt 1 year after meniscus surgery? Is it normal for your knee to pop after meniscus surgery? clicking in knee after meniscus surgery Causes of knee popping after surgery may be due to inflammation of structures within the knee. Sometimes, if implants were used — although this is much less likely […]

How to sleep after meniscus surgery?

How to sleep after meniscus surgery?

Meniscus Surgery Recovery Meniscus Surgery Recovery and Aftercare Recovery Meniscus surgery removes or fixes the cartilage (meniscus) between the bones in the knee. Each knee has two of these rubbery pads of cartilage, one on either side. Meniscus repair is usually done with arthroscopic surgery. Your doctor put a lighted tube—called an arthroscope or scope—and […]

How long after meniscus surgery can I walk?

How long after meniscus surgery can I walk?

How Soon after Meniscus Surgery can I Walk? Can you walk right away after Meniscus Surgery? How soon you can walk after meniscus surgery depends on whether the surgery was open or arthroscopic, whether it was a partial or total removal of the meniscus, or whether the meniscus was repaired. In any case, patients are […]