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October 6, 2019
Parkinson disease symptoms

Parkinson disease symptoms

Signs and Symptoms of Parkinson’s disease Parkinson’s disease Signs and Symptoms Parkinson’s disease signs and symptoms can be different for everyone. Early signs may be mild […]
October 6, 2019
Causes and risk factors of Parkinson disease

Causes and risk factors of Parkinson disease

Risk factors of Parkinson’s disease Causes of Parkinson’s disease In Parkinson’s disease, certain nerve cells (neurons) in the brain gradually break down or die. Many of […]
October 6, 2019
Laparotomy recovery exercises

Exercise after Laparotomy

Exercise after Laparotomy Rest and exercise after Laparotomy Recovery time after Laparotomy surgery is approximately one month. During this time you have to avoid lifting and […]
October 6, 2019
Laparotomy recovery

Laparotomy Recovery and Aftercare

Laparotomy Recovery and Aftercare Aftercare Following the operation, the person will slowly wake up from the anesthetic. They will remain in the hospital for immediate aftercare. […]
October 6, 2019
laparotomy and laparoscopy

Laparotomy and Laparoscopy

How is laparoscopy different from normal surgery? Why is knowing the difference between laparoscopy and laparotomy so important here? Is Laparoscopy and Endoscopy same thing? Which […]
October 6, 2019
Hernia surgery complications

Hernia surgery complications

Risks and Complications of hiatal hernia surgery All surgeries carry risks, including the risk of: . Bleeding . Infection . Injury to internal organs However, the […]
October 6, 2019
Hernia repair surgery time

Hernia repair surgery time

Hiatal Hernia Surgery Recovery Time Recovery time After laparoscopic surgery, most people will not experience much pain, but they may feel discomfort in their abdomen and […]
October 6, 2019
Hernia repair surgery recovery

Hernia repair surgery recovery

After Hiatal Hernia Surgery Recovery time After laparoscopic surgery, most people will not experience much pain, but they may feel discomfort in their abdomen and chest […]
October 6, 2019
Exploratory laparotomy postoperative care

Exploratory laparotomy postoperative care

exploratory laparotomy postoperative care The patient will remain in the postoperative recovery room for several hours where his or her recovery can be closely monitored. Discharge from the hospital may […]
October 6, 2019
What are the causes of pilonidal sinus

What are the causes of pilonidal sinus?

What are the pilonidal sinus symptoms? How to Prevent from pilonidal cysts Are pilonidal cysts cancerous? What happens if pilonidal cyst goes untreated? Why do pilonidal […]