How Many Cc Of Fat Can Be Transferred To Buttocks?

How Many Cc Of Fat Can Be Transferred To Buttocks?

How Many Cc Of Fat Can Be Transferred To Buttocks

Do you desire to have a more rounded butt? Do you have a flat butt, and want to add some curves? If so, you may have already been researching fat transfer to buttocks butt lifts, and be wondering if that procedure is right for you. For those who don’t know, a fat transfer to buttocks butt lift is when you have liposuction of your problem areas, such as your abdomen, flanks, and thighs, that have fat grafted, and then injected into your gluteal muscles to give you the curves you’ve always wanted. But if you’re already super thin, you may be wondering, “Do I have enough body fat to use for a fat transfer to buttocks butt lift?”

Read more about : BBL vs. Butt Implants

How Much Fat Can Be Transferred to The Buttocks?

Increasing the size and shape of your buttocks is difficult to obtain through diet and exercise. You can only tone the area so much, and it may all come down to your genetics. The Brazilian Butt Lift (also known as buttock augmentation with fat grafting) uses fat removed from another area of your body through liposuction to add volume to your backside, giving you a round, perky buttock shape.

In the plastic surgery and medical field, fat is measured in ccs (cubic centimeters). The Brazilian Butt Lift may involve removing anywhere from 200ccs to 900ccs per cheek. In some circumstances, patients have gone as high as 1,100 ccs. One pound is approximately converted into 450 ccs. The number of pounds or ccs used for your Brazilian Butt Lift will vary as each patient has a unique physique and cosmetic concerns for their body.

The amount of fat used for the BBL depends on your desired results because 30-40 percent of the transferred fat cells may atrophy or shrink during recovery as your body absorbs some of the transferred fat. A controlled study in 2016 involving 25 buttock fat transfer patients who received an average of 287 mL (287 ccs, or .63 pounds) per buttock found they had a mean fat retention of 66 percent.

Your initial buttock augmentation results may appear larger than you’d like because your doctor might need to inject more fat into the area to accommodate the rate of absorption. The typical 3:1 ratio of fat survival is a critical part of the equation when it comes to your buttock augmentation. Repeat sessions may be needed to reach your desired buttock size.

You can maximize fat survival during Brazilian Butt Lift recovery by following all post-operative instructions, which will include avoiding putting pressure on the buttocks.

Read more about : Life after BBL (Brazilian Butt Lift)

Is There a Limit on How Many CCs of Fat Can Be Injected into the Buttocks During a Fat Transfer?

The amount of fat that can be injected into the buttocks, for most patients, is limited by what they have to give not how much can be injected. After the fat harvest, it is processed and concentrated so that only about 1/3 of the volume that was extracted actually ends up being injected. Your result would also be enhanced by fat removal/sculpting being done above and below the buttocks as the central buttocks is injected and enlarged. By this ‘ying and yang’ approach, you would get a better result that either procedure being done alone.

My BMI is Lower Than 22, But I Still Want to Add Curves. What Are My Butt Lift Options?

If your BMI is lower than 22, but you are still self-conscious of your flat butt, you do have butt lift options. One option is that you can temporarily gain weight, under the supervision of your doctor, to gain the necessary fat for a fat transfer to buttocks butt lift surgery. If that’s not an option for you, you can always consider butt implants as an alternative to a fat transfer to buttocks butt lift.


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