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Exploratory laparotomy postoperative care

Exploratory laparotomy postoperative care

exploratory laparotomy postoperative care

The patient will remain in the postoperative recovery room for several hours where his or her recovery can be closely monitored. Discharge from the hospital may occur in as little as one to two days after the procedure, but may be later if additional procedures were performed or complications were encountered. The patient will be instructed to watch for symptoms that may indicate infection, such as fever, redness or swelling around the incision, drainage, and worsening pain.

iranian surgery

Be guided by your doctor, but general suggestions include:

  • Try to rest as much as possible for two weeks.
  • Arrangements should be made for relatives or friends to help you around the house. You need to strictly avoid any heavy lifting, pulling or pushing.
  • You may need a modified diet following discharge from hospital. Follow all dietary suggestions.
  • Make sure you take your medications and follow instructions precisely.
  • Continue with any exercises you were shown in hospital.
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