Deviated Septum Self-Test
Deviated Septum Self-Test A deviated septum is a condition in which the cartilage and bone that separates your nasal cavity is not centered, making breathing difficult. Even if your nose appears to be straight on the outside, you may have a deviated septum if you have constant congestion, snoring, sinusitis, or nose bleeds, to name […]
Best Sleep Position for Deviated Septum
Best Sleep Position for Deviated Septum Finding the best sleeping position for a deviated septum can feel impossible at times. Nothing seems to help you get the quality sleep you require, no matter how much you toss and turn. Don’t worry if that sounds familiar; you’re not alone. Nasal septal deviations are said to affect […]
Bad Taste in Mouth After Septoplasty
Bad Taste in Mouth After Septoplasty: Causes, Solutions, and What to Expect What causes a bad taste in the mouth after septoplasty surgery? Is a bad taste in the mouth a common side effect of septoplasty? How can you alleviate a bad taste in your mouth following septoplasty? Can post-septoplasty bad taste be a sign […]
Septoplasty Recovery
What happens after deviated septum surgery (septoplasty)? After deviated septum surgery, the patient will be taken to the recovery room where a nurse will monitor the patient. They will be able to go home the same day as the surgery once fully recovered from the anesthetic. This usually takes several hours. The patient will need […]
Septoplasty with Turbinate Reduction
Septoplasty And Turbinate Reduction Introduction Nasal obstruction is a fairly common problem. Patients with nasal obstruction have trouble breathing through their nose. This can force them to breathe through their mouth, leading to a sensation of a dry mouth. In many patients, these symptoms get worse at night when they are lying flat. This can […]
Pros and Cons of Deviated Septum Surgery
Pros and Cons of Deviated Septum Surgery What are the benefits of Deviated Septum Surgery (septoplasty)? The benefits of this type of surgery include: . Improved breathing: Overall breathing function is greatly improved since the nasal passages are opened up. . Better sleep quality: Reshaping a crooked septum not only improves airflow while you’re awake, […]
How to fix a deviated septum without surgery?
How to treat deviated septum without surgery? Surgery is indeed the most effective and promising treatment option for curing a deviated septum. But what if there’s a simpler way that can make the life of someone with a deviated septum a little less uncomfortable. Before going ahead with the decision of undergoing the deviated septum […]