Lifetime Precautions After Hip Replacement

Lifetime Precautions After Hip Replacement

Lifetime Precautions After Hip Replacement To some people even the sound of total hip replacement surgery might be intimidating, but in the past years, it has become a relatively common and safe procedure. More than 330,000 adults in the U.S. have the procedure each year, according to Harvard Medical School, and the numbers are rising […]

Walking Unaided After Hip Replacement

Walking Unaided After Hip Replacement

Walking Unaided After Hip Replacement After surgery there are no restrictions in the way you are allowed to move but you should listen to your body and avoid painful movements or positions. In addition, you or another person should not force your hip in any direction. Your Occupational Therapist may recommend some equipment to help […]

Partial Hip Replacement

Partial Hip Replacement

Partial Hip Replacement The benefits of hip replacement surgery are numerous.  Most patients say the pain-relief alone is worth it, and the improved mobility and hip function dramatically improve a person’s quality of life by restoring independence and the ability to participate in pleasurable activities.  Studies show that more than 80% of hip replacements last […]

How To Break Up Scar Tissue After Knee Surgery?

How To Break Up Scar Tissue After Knee Surgery?

How To Break Up Scar Tissue After Knee Surgery? Those who have suffered from a knee injury know how debilitating it can be—especially if too much scar tissue has built up over time. Soreness in the ligaments, swelling in the joints, instability, lack of mobility and incessant aches are all common issues when dealing with […]

Which Method of Hip Replacement Is the Best?

Which Method of Hip Replacement Is the Best?

Which Method of Hip Replacement Is the Best? Is Anterior Total Hip Replacement Better Than Posterior? Is hip pain getting in the way of living your life? Is osteoarthritis making it difficult to walk or complete daily tasks? Are non-surgical treatments no longer working? If so, a hip replacement surgery might be the right option […]