IVF Process Start to Finish

ivf process start to finish

IVF Process Start to Finish How long does the IVF process take from start to finish? IVF is not a single treatment but a series of procedures. An average IVF cycle takes about 6 to 8 weeks from consultation to transfer. IVF process Step by Step (Start to Finish) Week 1: first visits and consultations […]

How Painful Are IVF Injections?

ivf procedure pain

How can I make my IVF injections less painful? How do IVF injections make you feel? The IVF experience is demanding in many ways, and one topic that comes up more often than you think is how to get through the many injections of fertility medication required during the ovarian stimulation phase. Some patients feel […]

hysteroscopy infertility workup

hysteroscopy infertility workup

Can hysteroscopy help infertility? Can I get pregnant after hysteroscopy? Why is hysteroscopy done before IVF? Which is more painful HSG or hysteroscopy? How can I unblock my fallopian tubes naturally? Can HSG open blocked tubes? It is widely accepted that a complete infertility workup should include an evaluation of the uterine cavity. Today, hysteroscopy is considered the gold […]

Can hysteroscopy help infertility?

Can hysteroscopy help infertility?

Hysteroscopy And Infertility The most common indication for diagnostic hysteroscopy was as a part of an early infertility workup. Other indications included cases being part of a continuous workup either before IVF treatment or after a number of failed IVF cycles. Hysteroscopy revealed a normal uterine cavity in 156 (70%) women Hysteroscopy is performed approximately half […]

2 embryo transfer success rate

2 embryo transfer success rate

 The cumulative pregnancy rates after frozen embryo transfers, 47.3% in one embryo transfer group and 58.6% in two embryo transfer group, were not statistically different at the time of analysis. One is best – most of the time. Research continues to show that transferring one embryo per cycle is the safest option. Transferring two increases the chance of a multiple pregnancy and […]

2 blastocyst transfer twin rate

2 blastocyst transfer twin rate

2 Blastocyst Transfer Success Rate Blastocyst transfers have a higher pregnancy rate than embryos transferred at an earlier stage (day 2 or 3). It’s best practice to have only one embryo put back. Single embryo transfers don’t affect success rates. Remaining good quality embryos can be frozen to use in any future treatment or donated. Does transferring 2 […]

Genetic testing embryos before implantation

Genetic testing embryos before implantation

How to do a PGD test? Necessity of PGD test? How safe is embryo biopsy PGD? Why might PGD be unsuccessful? Are frozen embryo transfers more successful? What is the success rate of IVF with frozen embryos? Genetic testing embryos before implantation Diagnosis of pre-implantation embryos, or PGD, is a test that examines genetic defects […]

Ectopic pregnancy treatment

Ectopic Pregnancy

Ectopic Pregnancy What is Ectopic Pregnancy? Pregnancy begins with a fertilized egg. Normally, the fertilized egg attaches to the lining of the uterus. An ectopic pregnancy occurs when a fertilized egg implants and grows outside the main cavity of the uterus. An ectopic pregnancy most often occurs in a fallopian tube, which carries eggs from […]