Hair Transplant

What is a Hair Transplant?

Hair transplant also known as hair restoration or hair transplantation is a surgical technique in which new hair follicles are transplanted from a hair-loss resistant area to a balding or hair thinning area. In fact, Hair Transplant is a permanent replacement treatment to restore the hair in the balding area.

Hair transplantation can also be used for other body parts such as to restore eyelashes, eyebrows, beard hair, chest hair, pubic hair and to treat scars caused by any accident or surgery.


Plan your Hair transplant in Iran with the Best Hair transplant doctor.
Iranian Surgery is a medical tourism company in Iran that cooperates with the best Hair transplant doctors, specialists and Hair transplant clinics in Iran and offers world-class treatments at an affordable cost.

hair transplant in iran

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Read more about : Hair transplant surgery, Before and after procedure Video

Pattern baldness is responsible for the majority of hair loss. This comes down to genetics. The remaining cases are due to a variety of factors, including:

. Diet

. Stress

. Illness

. Hormonal imbalance

. Medications

General information about Hair Transplant

The following table describes general information about Hair transplant including Hair transplant cost in Iran, recovery time, and to name but a few.

General Information  
Cost $ 500 – 1100
Anesthesia Local
Hospital Stay No/The same Day
Back to Work 5-7 Days
Duration of Operation 6-8 Hours
Minimum Stay in Iran 3-5 Days

About Iranian Surgery

Iranian surgery is an online medical tourism platform where you can find the best hair transplant doctors in Iran. The price of a hair transplant in Iran can vary according to each individual’s case and will be determined based on photos, a number of grafts a patient needs and an in-person assessment with the doctor. It is our responsibility to give you enough information about this surgery, so that please feel free to contact us and get free consultation from Iranian surgery.

Before Hair Transplant

When to consider Hair Transplant

. If you have thinning hair

. If you have bald spots

. If you have a receding hairline

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Preparing for your procedure

How do I prepare for a hair transplant procedure?

Your surgeon will provide thorough preoperative instructions, answer any questions you may have, take a detailed medical history, and perform a physical exam to determine your fitness for surgery.

In advance of your procedure, your surgeon will ask you to:

. Stop smoking at least six weeks before undergoing surgery to promote better healing.

. Avoid taking aspirin, certain anti-inflammatory drugs and some herbal medications that can cause increased bleeding.

. You may be asked to take a shower and wash your hair with regular or antibacterial soap.

. Regardless of the type of surgery to be performed, hydration is very important before and after surgery for safe recovery.

Hair transplant surgery is usually performed on an outpatient basis. Be sure to arrange for someone to drive you home after surgery and to stay with you at least the first night following surgery.

What can I expect on the day of hair transplant surgery?

Hair transplant is usually performed with local anesthetic and is performed in an accredited facility. This may be a hospital, clinic or office-based surgical suite. Hair transplant procedures take six to eight hours to complete. Your surgeon will give you an estimate of how long your surgery will last based on the details of your surgical plan. You will receive instructions on how to prepare and what to expect. This is what you can anticipate:

. The donor area(s) will be trimmed so that the surgeon can access and remove the hair grafts.

. The entire head will be shampooed and cleaned to prevent infection.

. Oral or IV anesthesia may be administered to help you relax during the surgery.

. A local anesthetic will be injected into the scalp.

. The method that you have decided on will dictate what techniques the surgeon will use to remove the hair follicles and transplant them into the skin.

. Usually, the surgeon will space out the grafts to achieve maximum retention.

. Afterwards, the scalp will be cleaned and covered with gauze.

. You may have to wear a pressure bandage to aid healing.

You will probably be permitted to go home after a short observation period unless you and your plastic surgeon have made other plans for your immediate postoperative recovery.

Read more about : Which hair transplant technique is better FUE or FUT?

Who are the Ideal Candidates for a Hair Transplant Procedure?

. Men who have been losing their hair due to male pattern baldness for more than five years or who have progressed to a Norwood class 3, which is the earliest stage of male hair loss, or above.

. Men who have realistic expectations and who understand that their hair loss might continue to progress even if they are taking prescription medication to stop the progression.

. Men who have been balding for many years and whose pattern has stabilized and are interested in growing hair to provide a more youthful appearance.

. Men and women who have lost hair due to trauma or burns.

. And someone who has adequate hair growth or follicles that can be used for transplant.

Who should avoid undergoing Hair Transplant?

. This procedure is done under the effect of local anesthesia, so it does not directly interfere with the functioning of the heart, etc. But, there are always risks to the patients having serious heart diseases and they should consult with the surgeons before taking the treatment.

. Heavy drinkers and smokers are also not allowed to undergo the treatment because of the risk of internal and external bleeding. If they have to take the treatment, they have to abstain from their drinking and smoking habits at least a few weeks before the time of the procedure.

. People with diffuse hair loss have inadequate donor supply hence they are advised against undergoing a hair transplant. They have a higher risk that the grafts are too weak and will not take at the recipient area.

. Those who suffer from thinning hair may also not be suitable for hair transplant surgery since there are no distinct bald patches and not enough space to implant the new hair. There is a risk that the new grafts will be rejected or that they will dislodge the neighbouring hair.

. Also, the risks of a hair transplant can be minimised if your scalp is normal or loose. People with a tight scalp are not the best candidates for the procedure, as it would be difficult for the surgeon to insert the grafts.

Read more about : Before hair transplant

What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Hair Transplant?


. This procedure works well to provide long term results for male pattern baldness, hair thinning in women due to hormonal fluctuations and in cases of scalp injuries.

. Hair transplantation is more cost effective than medication treatments as the whole cost is incurred in one procedure versus a lifetime of treatment.

. Natural hair growth is the main aim of this procedure, making its effects long lasting.

. The results of the surgery is in the patient’s control, with the eventual aesthetic beauty achieved as per each patient’s vision.

. In procedures like eyebrow transplants, the results look natural in comparison to tattoos or makeup.


. Infection of the hair follicles, scalp swelling and itching are the most common side effects of the surgery.

. In some instances there is a chance of losing transplanted hair, and this is referred to as “shock loss.”

. There are small chances for hair follicles to die off before the hair regenerates. And this often causes bumps on the scalp.

. As a part of the scalp is reduced during transplantation, the chance of developing wide scars are increased.

. It might take months for hair to grow into the area

. Multiple sessions spanning over one to two years might be required

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Risks and Side effects

What are the risks and Side effects of hair transplant?

Like any surgery, a hair transplant involves certain risks. But with the right specialist by your side, they can be kept at the lowest level possible. In addition, the occurrence of adverse events after a hair transplant is considered to be relatively low compared to other surgical procedures. Here is an overview of the possible risks associated with a hair transplant.

. Poor results

It may happen that the result does not meet your expectations. Either the hair density is too low or the hair grows in an unnatural direction and creates a non-aesthetic image. Failure to match the natural hair growth direction may also result in an unsatisfactory appearance. However, with a trained specialist who has been performing hair transplants for years, you need not be afraid of this risk.

. Pain during or after a hair transplant

Anaesthetic injections may be a bit uncomfortable as they need to be done at several points in the scalp. The use of needles and syringes may scare off some patients.

Moreover, the modern FUE method, which is almost exclusively used in hair transplantation now, is minimally invasive and done under local anaesthesia. Therefore, the patient will not feel any pain during the procedure.

. Inflammation and swelling

Of course, wounds can swell and redden after surgery. These risks of a hair transplant are bound to occur at least for a short time after the surgery has been performed. That is especially the case with the FUT method, where the doctor has to remove the whole strip of skin from the head. Inflammation can be disturbing for the patient, however, it is a normal consequence of any surgical intervention.

The tiny openings that occur during the FUE hair transplant usually heal without complications. Also, if the patient applies some antiseptic and soothing cream, inflammation and swelling will be relieved in 1-2 days. You can also reduce swelling by sleeping on a high pillow with your head elevated.

. Itching

Itching is quite common after surgery, it means that the wounds are in the process of healing. However, you must desist from scratching the itchy areas, since it can displace the newly implanted grafts as well as increase the risk of infection.

. Bleeding

Bleeding may occasionally occur within 2 weeks after the operation. To avoid or minimise it, the patient should never scratch the scalp or pick the scabs. Avoid strenuous physical activities, drinking alcohol, smoking, and taking aspirin within at least 7-10 days as well. If bleeding takes place, put a clean gauze cloth on the bleeding areas and gently apply pressure with your fingers.

. Infection

In the FUE method, the risk of infection is very low due to the less intrusive nature of the procedure. The doctor will most likely prescribe antibacterial cream to the patient to prevent any infection. However, keeping the hygienic standards is particularly important here, which is why it is necessary to check the reputation of the clinic beforehand.

. Scarring

Scarring may be quite visible if the patient has undergone the traditional FUT or ‘strip’ method. With the stitchless FUE method, you do not have to expect apparent scars. The visibility of scars, however, will also depend on how well the wounds can heal, if the scalp is loose or tight and how densely the surgeon implants the grafts.

. The grafts fall out

Some patients experience what’s known as “shock loss,” which causes all of the transplanted hair to fall out at once. However, it’s very unlikely that this hair loss is permanent and typically new hair will grow in its place. This risk can be diminished by a comprehensive preoperative examination of the patient. It is possible to predict how good the grafts will take by assessing the quality of the scalp and hair.

Facts about hair transplant

1) The transplanted hair behaves like natural hair and sheds between two to four weeks of transplant. The roots thereafter start sprouting hair naturally and continue to do so for a lifetime.

2) Use of local anesthesia makes it a painless procedure and the patient can go home the same day.

3) Hair transplant is different from non-surgical hair restoration in which a pre-chosen base is fixed on scalp with dexterity.

4) Hair transplant does not mean you will have a luxurious crop of hair as the result varies from person to person and has also some link with a person’s natural hair quality.

5) Every case of baldness does not have a solution in hair transplantation. It entirely depends on case to case basis.

6) The cost of the procedure depends on the number of grafts. The more the number of grafts, the higher the cost.

During Hair Transplant

Different Types of hair transplant

What are the different techniques used for a Hair Transplant?

There are two primary techniques for hair transplantation aka hair restoration currently in use – the FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) and the FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation).

  1. Follicular unit transplantation (FUT)

Follicular unit transplantation is a hair restoration method, also known as a strip method. The FUT process removes a small strip of tissue from the back of the head, from which the donor hair follicles are extracted. The hair follicles are harvested from this strip by a skilled clinical team before being individually transplanted to the recipient areas. In cases of advanced hair loss, FUT is preferred because it allows for the greatest number of grafts to be transplanted in a single session.

  1. Follicular unit extraction (FUE)

In an FUE hair transplantation, each follicular unit is individually taken from the scalp and no strip of tissue is removed. Hair follicles are removed randomly which results in less density in the donor area that is not very noticeable. Since follicles are removed one at a time, fewer follicles can be harvested during a typical session. Read more about FUE hair transplant method

The Hair Transplant procedure

How is a hair transplant procedure performed?

The patient’s scalp is first cleaned and treated with an antibacterial agent prior to the donor scalp being harvested. The donor site is then injected with local anaesthesia to numb the area before the extraction.

The procedure of a hair transplant can be done in two ways- Follicular unit transplantation (FUT) and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). In FUT the donor tissue is extracted in one single strip. The strip is placed in a physiological solution. Then a single layer of hair follicular units is made by the harvested strips, which is finally implanted in the recipient area.

In Follicular Unit Extraction, individual follicular units containing 1 to 4 hair strands are removed at a time. The surgeon then immediately punctures the site for receiving grafts and places them in a predetermined pattern, angle and density to give a realistic hair pattern. After the completion of the procedure, the area is surgically dressed which allows seepage of blood and tissue fluid.

Hair transplant usually takes 6-8 hours for a regular hair transplantation procedure. This is not an uninterrupted operation process. During the operation, a break of 1-2 hours is allowed depending on the phases.

After Hair Transplant

Recovery and Aftercare


After the hair transplant, your scalp may be very tender. You may need to take pain medications for several days. You should wear bandages over your scalp for at least a day or two. Your surgeon may prescribe an antibiotic or an anti-inflammatory drug for you to take for several days. Most people are able to return to work 3 to 5 days after the operation.

FUT and FUE may each take several hours to several days to complete. In part, this depends on the amount of work performed by the surgeon. You will go home the same day of the procedure.

Once the surgery is done, the area may be swollen, so your surgeon might inject triamcinolone into the area to keep the swelling down.

You’ll likely feel pain or soreness at the transplant site as well as in the area where hair was taken from. For the next few days, your surgeon may prescribe:

. Pain medications, such as ibuprofen (Advil)

. Antibiotics to prevent infections

. Anti-inflammatories, such as an oral steroid, to relieve swelling

. Medications such as finasteride (Propecia) or minoxidil (Rogaine) to help stimulate hair growth.


Here are some aftercare tips for hair transplant surgery:

. Wait a few days after the surgery to wash your hair. Only use mild shampoos for the first few weeks.

. You should be able to return to work or normal activities in about 3-5 days.

. Don’t press a brush or comb down over the new grafts for about 3 weeks.

. Don’t wear any pullover shirts and jackets until your doctor say it’s OK.

. After surgery go home and rest.  Keep your head up about 45 degrees. A recliner will be helpful.

. You can work out again after 1 month

. You can swim and do steam baths after 1 month

. You can wear hats after 10 days, and hard hats after 4 weeks

. A headwrap will be placed around your head for the first night. The next morning, take scissors and just cut the headwrap and remove it. Don’t pull it off, or you might pull out some grafts. Don’t leave it on more than the first night either, your head will swell more later on if you do so.

Don’t worry if some hairs fall out. This is part of the process. Transplanted hair may not grow much or seamlessly match the hair around it for a few months.

The cycle of hair growth after Hair Transplant Surgery

. Day 0: the day of the surgery is counted as day 0.

. Day 1-5: The first 2 weeks after the hair transplant are the most critical ones. During the first 5 days, patients may experience swelling of the forehead and at the back of the head, which is the donor area. The skin may also look red at the areas where all the tiny incisions were made for the newly transplanted hairs. This redness usually resolves after the first week or 2. After only a few days, the donor area is no longer tender.

. Days 6 – 10: At this point, patients no longer experience any swelling and the redness should only be faint or completely gone. For each follicular unit transplanted, a “crust” will form which is the attached skin layer drying out. This scab can be gently removed by soaking and gentle rubbing with fingers. By day 10, all the crusting should be gone and the transplanted hairs will appear like a “crew-cut” haircut.

. Week 2- 3: The transplanted hairs will start to shed at this point, and by the end of the 3rd/4th week, most will be gone. This is a normal part of the healing process and is totally expected. The newly transplanted hairs go through a shedding process as the actual hair shaft is released, but the actual follicular unit and bulb are totally intact starting to grow a new hair shaft. Patients may feel like the operation was a failure but this is part of the normal hair cycle.

. End of Month 1 – Month 2: The hair follicles have entered into the resting phase of their cycle. The length of the resting phase can vary before they start to grow again. At this stage, patients will appear exactly as they did prior to surgery with regards to the amount of hair present.

. Months 2 – 4: The new hairs should start coming out. For some patients, their transplanted hairs start growing early in the timeline; for others, they start growing later. Patients will see the new transplants, but they will be thin at this stage as they begin to emerge from the scalp. Most of the native hair will be growing back at this time. The donor area is healing and any redness at the donor site will resolve.

. Month 6: Transplanted hair has entered the anagen phase and begins to grow (finally…progress!). At this point usually, the doctor used to see you in follow up.

. Months 6 – 9: Patients will start to see a considerable amount of hair emerging from the scalp. The hairs are thinner; many of the transplanted hairs will be over 3 inches or longer and is able to be groomed. Toward the end of this period, the hair will show textural changes and start to thicken up. The donor area will be completely healed at this point. The original donor laxity is restored by month 9.

. 1 Year: Patients have achieved about 80% of the hair growth of the transplanted hairs. Most of the hairs will have emerged from the scalp. At this point, further density is unlikely to noticeably improve without further surgical and/or nonsurgical intervention (PRP). It’s time to focus on outcome maintenance!

. After 1 year: For some patients, they achieve the full appearance by 1 year; others will take longer for the hairs to emerge and increase their density and thickness.

Additionally, as the hair grows longer, that provides a fuller appearance since the volume of hair is increased at the transplanted area.

Read more about : is hair transplant permanent

Are there any Post-procedure Scars?

The FUT strip extraction method typically results in a very narrow linear scar in the back of the head. Since the scar is very thin, it can be easily concealed by all but the shortest of haircut styles. Over time the scar will become less noticeable as it fades.

Since FUE procedures involve removing hairs individually from the scalp, there is no linear scar left behind. However, there will be tiny puncture marks that tend to heal by themselves after scabbing in the days following the procedure. These tiny wounds typically heal within three to seven days.

How long will the results last?

Hair transplantation results last for a lifetime; however, some patients may find that after the procedure, they continue to lose some of their original hair or their new head of hair may not look as full as they would like. In these cases, it’s not uncommon for patients to schedule a second surgery.

Revision Hair Transplant

It is the procedure in which patient undergoes the transplant surgery more than one time means to revise his first transplantation. With the long way journey of hair transplantation, techniques used for this surgical procedure are getting better and so the demand for the revision hair transplant is increasing.

People usually do the revision hair transplant for the following reasons:

. The patient is happy with the first hair transplant but wants more grafts.

. The patient is not satisfied with the first hair transplant procedure.

However, patients remain confused about whether they could get 100% success and guarantee of results or not after revision hair transplant. It is possible to get the expected results even after the revised surgery of transplantation but the results can vary according to the condition of donor area, prior hair transplant results, care, smoking and drinking habits and many other such factors that can hamper the success ratio of results.

Hair Transplant Cost

6 Factors affecting the cost of hair transplant

  1. City the average hair transplant cost varies from city to city.
  2. The clinic the hair replacement cost may vary within the country due to different medical facilities. This means that, some clinics are equipped with modern and up-to-date medical facilities which make their prices higher. Some centers offer special prices for a hair transplant. But it is better to avoid clinics with suspiciously low hair transplant costs.
  3. The hair transplant type, FUE hair transplant cost is usually higher than the FUT hair transplant price. Learn more about these techniques below.
  4. The number of graft a patient needs. It is difficult to determine the average hair transplant procedure cost because it depends on a number of grafts a patient needs. From 1,000 to 55, 00 grafts may be required. The bigger the number of grafts is necessary, the higher the cost it is.
  5. The size of a hairless area the hair transplant cost for beard, head, and eyebrows differs due to the size of these areas. There are the same concerns for the hairline transplant cost.
  6. Doctor’s skills and experience. Doctors with vast experience and positive patients’ reviews may ask for a higher fee increasing the hair transplant procedure price. The choice of a highly-skilled doctor is a key factor to the procedure success. It is better to pay a higher hair transplantation price to be sure of the result.

On average, the cost of a hair transplant procedure is between $ 500-1100 in Iran.

One Response

  1. I was surprised to read that a body hair transplant can be done if the donor doesn’t have a lot of hair on their heads. My husband is balding on his head. I think that he inherits this trait from his dad. Finding a place that can do a hair treatment for him would be a great option for us.

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