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Twin pregnancy symptoms at 8 weeks

Twin pregnancy symptoms at 8 weeks: Guide

By this time, you’ve likely received a positive pregnancy test confirming that you’re pregnant, and it’s likely you’ll start to have some pregnancy symptoms, if you haven’t already. But don’t worry if you’re not feeling much different – some women don’t feel the side effects as much or as early as others.

. Pregnancy sickness – nausea and vomiting

Often called “morning sickness,” pregnancy nausea can affect you any time of the day. This nausea is common in the first trimester of pregnancy and may or not include vomiting. Pregnancy sickness is most likely caused by the pregnancy hormones HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) and estrogen.

Eating and drinking small portions regularly, always having something small to eat as soon as you wake up, and sticking with bland foods for a little while are all great ways to ease or prevent the nausea if you do have it.

. Bloating. The pregnancy hormone progesterone causes digestion to slow down, which may cause you to feel bloated in early pregnancy. This bloating may also contribute to pregnancy nausea.

. Food cravings and distaste. You may experience specific food cravings or aversions throughout your pregnancy. The types of foods you want or don’t want can vary and is different for each woman.

. Fatigue. Fatigue is a common symptom of pregnancy, especially early pregnancy. A rise in the hormone progesterone is one factor that causes you to feel tired, but it’s also important because it supports your body during pregnancy

. Breast changes. Due to a rise in hormones, you may feel sensitivity and tenderness in your breasts, and they might grow in size and feel firmer than you’re used to. The area around your nipple, the areola, might darken in color, as well.

. Frequent urination. Pregnancy hormones and an increased amount of blood flow in your body will cause you to feel the urge to pee more frequently than usual. This will be compounded as your uterus expands and grows, putting pressure on your bladder.

. Increased discharge. You will likely have more vaginal discharge during pregnancy, but this is normal due to an increase in estrogen production. However, talk to your provider if you have green, yellow, or thick cheese-like discharge, if you have foul smelling discharge, or if your vaginal area is red, itchy or irritated. Any of these things could be signs of an infection or problem.

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