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Twin Pregnancy Symptoms at 4 Weeks


Symptoms of a twin pregnancy at 4 weeks are the same as symptoms of a single pregnancy would be. You may experience very early signs of pregnancy, but again, some women don’t experience any at this point. Some symptoms, such as nausea and breast tenderness may be even more intense with a twin pregnancy than with a single pregnancy, if felt this early at all. Some women have reported “having a feeling,” or “just knowing” they were pregnant with twins, although this certainly isn’t the case for everyone. While intense symptoms and intuition could be signs of a twin pregnancy, the only sure way to confirm a twin pregnancy is later on by ultrasound.

Some potential early pregnancy symptoms include:

. No symptoms. Because 4 weeks is still so early in the pregnancy, many women experience no symptoms and don’t know they’re pregnant yet. If you don’t have regular periods, you may not be thinking about a missed period, or might just think it’s late.

. Missed period. Many women are tipped off to being pregnant by a missed period. A period could be late for other reasons, but a missed period is a good reason to take a pregnancy test.

. Fatigue. As your body begins to support a pregnancy and you experience an increase in the hormone progesterone, you may start feeling pregnancy fatigue.

. Nausea and/or vomiting. Many women experience pregnancy nausea, which typically starts between 4 and 8 weeks of pregnancy. Nausea is sometimes, not always, accompanied by vomiting. This pregnancy nausea is likely due to the production of the hormone HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) in your body, along with a rise in the hormone estrogen. Even though it’s often called “morning sickness,” pregnancy nausea can hit at any time of the day.

Sipping on fluids and eating smaller portions more frequently, eating bland foods, and eating crackers or something plain before getting too hungry, can help minimize the nausea.

. Implantation bleeding. Implantation bleeding happens (but not always) when the fertilized egg implants in the lining of your uterus. It’s usually a light spotting that occurs one to two weeks after fertilization. Pregnant women do not always experience implantation bleeding, so don’t worry if you don’t notice any. You may also experience implantation cramping. Implantation bleeding is typically much lighter than a period and doesn’t last as long.

. Breast tenderness. Breast tenderness, swelling, and soreness is an early pregnancy sign, due to a rise in hormones. You might experience other changes to your breasts as well. For instance, your areolas, which are the areas around your nipples, may darken.

. Mood swings. Mood swings can be an early sign of pregnancy, too. As with other pregnancy symptoms, this is due to an increase in hormones. You may experience periods of happiness, then sadness or anger. Or, you may notice your feelings are heightened and more intense. While mood swings with pregnancy or any hormonal changes are normal, don’t hesitate to get professional help if you believe you’re struggling with depression or anxiety.

Read more about: Twin pregnancy symptoms at 8 weeks



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