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Twin pregnancy symptoms at 16 weeks

Early pregnancy hormones rise rapidly in the first trimester, then level off in the second trimester. Because of this, you may now have less of the uncomfortable symptoms you had early in your pregnancy, such as morning sickness. Unfortunately, this isn’t the case for everyone, though. Either way, there are some additional side effects you’ll likely experience as your pregnancy progresses.

. Kicks and fetal movement

Expecting moms usually feel their babies move around 16 or 20 weeks, but you don’t need to worry if it takes a little longer. Moms who’ve been pregnant before may feel movement earlier than first time moms do. Movement from your babies might feel like gas or “fluttering” at first.

. Round ligament pain

The round ligaments that support your uterus (and connects the front part of your uterus to your groin) is being stretched as your uterus grows quickly. This may cause sharp pain when you move. You might feel pain when you stand up, roll over in bed, cough, laugh, or with other movements that might stretch the ligaments quickly. It might feel alarming at first, but is normal and will only last a few seconds. Try changing positions slowly to decrease round ligament pain.

. Congestion

Because you have an increase in blood volume throughout your body, the lining of your respiratory system (including your nose and throat) also receives the extra blood flow and becomes swollen. This will make you feel congested. Some women even have a swelling of their eustachian tube, the tube that connects the throat to the middle ear, which will make your ears feel clogged.

. Heartburn

Many pregnant women experience heartburn. This is because the pregnancy hormone progesterone causes your digestive system to slow down, so food stays in your stomach longer than it normally does. Another reason heartburn is common in pregnancy is that your esophageal sphincter (the muscles that close your stomach off to your esophagus) is more relaxed during pregnancy.

. Loosened joints

You will be more likely to experience joint pain later in pregnancy, as your belly grows bigger and you are carrying more weight. However, an increase of hormones in pregnancy causes your body’s joints to be more relaxed, even earlier on. This can make your joints a little more susceptible to injury or overstretching. Take care not to overstretch, and be careful when you’re moving about, as loose joints could cause you to lose your balance and fall.

Read more about: Twin pregnancy symptoms at 8 weeks



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