Rhinoplasty For Flat Nose

The nose is one of the most noticeable features of the face. It literally shapes your appearance and influences how others perceive you. If you have a flat nose, you may be unhappy with it for a variety of reasons, including the fact that it can make your profile appear more masculine, that it makes breathing difficult, or simply that you don’t like how long or wide it appears.

Whatever the reason, rhinoplasty surgery can help by increasing the length and height of the nose, making its shape more feminine and appealing. This article will provide a comprehensive overview of the procedure, as well as advice on preparing for surgery and recovering afterwards.

Types of Flat Noses

The Saddle Nose

Saddle nose, also known as the boxer’s nose, is a nose shape in which the tip of the nose has height but the middle section is flat, resembling the shape of a saddle when viewed from the side. To achieve the desired result, the rhinoplasty specialist must raise the middle section, which is usually accomplished by inserting a dorsal implant. This can be cartilage from other parts of the body or a synthetic implant.

The Asian Nose

The population of many Asian countries has a flatter nose shape than people from other continents. This can include both the middle section and the tip of the nose. To achieve a balanced, sharper appearance, the surgeon must work on both reshaping the midsection and raising the tip at the same time.

How to Reshape a Flat Nose?

The procedure of flat nose rhinoplasty reshapes the nose to give it more curve and shape in order to achieve the desired results for your face-lineup. It can add length and height to your appearance, giving you a more feminine appearance. When the bone needs to be augmented, these rhinoplasties typically include grafts from nearby areas such as skin tissue, rib cartilage, and ear lobes into the nasal passages.

In some cases, the surgeon may need to carefully break the nasal bone so that it can be rebuilt to form a balanced shape with the graft. This is a meticulous process that necessitates the services of an experienced specialist to ensure the desired result.

Nose surgery may also be done to reduce an overhanging tip of the nose so that it droops less; to alter the shape of the nostrils; narrowing one side or adding height using cartilage from another part of your body in order to balance asymmetries between sides.

The Flat Nose Surgery Procedure

Before rhinoplasty surgery takes place, you must undergo general anesthesia so that you are completely unconscious during the operation (unless special arrangements have been made).

Depending on the exact nasal areas that need reshaping, the surgeon performs closed or open rhinoplasty.

During a closed rhinoplasty, the surgeon will make an incision in your nostrils and pull the tissues back so that the bones are exposed for reshaping.

The surgery is done via the nostrils so there is little visible mark left after the healing stage.

With open rhinoplasty, the mid-section of the nose will be exposed, granting full access to the specialist to the bone and the middle nasal structure.

In some cases, it is necessary to break down one side using forceps either manually or with bone-cutting tools to make it more symmetric.

When finished, the surgeon will use stitches and cover your nose using a dressing or bandage.

In most cases, you will be leaving the hospital the same day.

Recovery Process

Your nose will feel stuffed up after the procedure because surgeons usually leave some packing inside during the operation that stays until most of the bleeding has stopped.

You have been released from the hospital at this point. You can recover at home while communicating with our skilled rhinoplasty team in London.

You will most likely require assistance during this time because it is not recommended for patients to return to social settings during the first few days due to the increased risk of catching a viral infection.

Most people are able to resume normal activities about one week after rhinoplasty surgery if no complications have occurred during the procedure or during the recovery process. You can expect mild pain while healing which can be managed with pain medication. Your face will also look swollen and bruised for a couple of weeks afterward, but your nose should feel better as it’s healing.

Your doctor will prescribe painkillers which should be taken according to instructions.

Flat Nose Rhinoplasty FAQ

Can a flat nose be reshaped without surgery?

Bones and cartilage determine the shape of your nose, which cannot be altered without surgery. You can contour your nose with makeup if you’re unhappy with it. It’s the cheapest and easiest method.

Can you get a nose job with a flat nose?

Yes, you can. A flat nose can be reshaped using a nasal bridge grafting procedure.

What is a flat nose bridge?

The nasal bridge refers to the bony area at the top of the nose. Low nasal bridges are flat and do not protrude. Individuals can have varying degrees of flatness. Many people of Asian and African descent have a low nasal bridge.

About Iranian Surgery

Iranian surgery is an online medical tourism platform where you can find the best doctors and plastic surgeons in Iran. The price of Flat Nose Rhinoplasty in Iran can vary according to each individual’s case and will be determined by an in-person assessment with the doctor.

For more information about the cost of Flat Nose Rhinoplasty in Iran and to schedule an appointment in advance, you can contact Iranian Surgery consultants via WhatsApp number 0098 901 929 0946. This service is completely free.


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