Male Rhinoplasty in Iran

Male rhinoplasty is a distinct and one-of-a-kind procedure. Every year, approximately one million cosmetic surgeries are performed on men, with male rhinoplasty being one of the top five procedures chosen. It entails reshaping and adjusting the structures of the nose in order to achieve a more balanced and pleasing result.

Choosing a Surgeon for Male Rhinoplasty in Iran

It is essential that the masculinity of the nose be kept intact during a male rhinoplasty procedure. Because many plastic surgeons do primarily female nose surgery and plastic surgery, male rhinoplasties performed by a less experienced surgeon can result in a nose that is overly “done” or feminine looking.

Board-certified rhinoplasty surgeons in Iran have extensive experience focused directly on nasal surgeries. Their skills in both primary and reconstructive surgeries and in ethnic and male rhinoplasty, performed in cities like Tehran and Shiraz, brings some of the top skill in nose surgery to the table with every patient.

Generally, male noses are larger than female noses. Even if you would like to refine the size of your nose or reduce the shape in some way, it is essential the nose is not reduced too far and made too small. Iranian Surgery nose surgeons are excellent at accomplishing a masculine, handsome result for patients.

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Reconstructive & Cosmetic Male Rhinoplasty

It is not uncommon for men to sustain some type of trauma to the nose during physical activity or athletics. This may or may not affect both the breathing and the appearance of the nose.

Our facial plastics specialists at Iranian Surgery, can address both the functional and cosmetic aspects of the nose during one surgery. Whether you have a deviated septum or some other injury or functional issue, Iranians surgeons are proficient in improving one’s breathing and airflow through the nose. If a patient is considering cosmetic changes to the shape and size of his nose, this can also be accomplished during the same surgery. This avoids two administrations of anesthesia and two recovery periods.

Ethnicity & Male Nose Surgery

Each ethnicity possesses its own distinctive nasal traits. It is of vital importance to consider the heritage of each patient to preserve their ethnic legacy and features. At the same time, the face of each patient is unique and will contain a combination of features and characteristics that must be taken into consideration when planning a nose surgery.

Male rhinoplasty Surgeons in Iran will consult you first on your goals for your personal appearance, which is the most important thing. then you will be given an idea of what can be accomplished so your expectations are realistic. your surgeon will also address the methods that can be used to preserve your ethnicity and balance your facial features in the most aesthetic and pleasing arrangement.

Whether you are of African-American, Persian, Armenian, Arab, Asian, Latin, Caucasian or mixed descent, top Iranian surgeons can ensure a natural, aesthetic result that reflects your personal identity.

What Types of Changes Can Be Made?

While each nose surgery plan is customized to the patient, any of the following changes can be made:

. Shaping the nasal tip

. Straightening the septum

. Enlarging or reducing nostril size

. Adjusting the angle between the nose and upper lip

. Reducing humps or bumps of the nose

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Male Rhinoplasty Procedure in Iran

Male rhinoplasty surgery is performed under general anesthesia and can take anywhere from three to four hours to complete. There are different types of male rhinoplasty that include:

Reduction Rhinoplasty

Reduction rhinoplasty is used to reduce the size of a large nose, which dominates the facial profile. It is one of the most commonly requested procedures among men.

You should be aware that just undergoing this procedure will not provide you with a great result. You should always consider your chin projection before undergoing this procedure. If your chin projection is small, your face will be dominated even by a small or an average-sized nose. In such cases, it may be best to augment the chin and perform minimal or no reduction to the nose.

Tip Rhinoplasty

In a tip rhinoplasty, modifications are performed on only the nasal tip and nostrils. This procedure is preferred by men whose nasal tip is bulbous or boxy, projecting, wide, over-rotated, or under-rotated. It can be performed using suture techniques, cartilage grafting, and cartilage resection. These three techniques are used in combination to achieve the desired outcome.

The method to be used is determined by several factors, such as:

. Condition of the cartilage

. Level of deformity

. The thickness of the skin

. The appearance of the nose in context with the face

Augmentation Rhinoplasty

This rhinoplasty is common in males belonging to ethnic groups who have softer cartilage on the nose and a less defined nasal bridge. Such a problem is corrected by increasing the projection of the bridge and the tip of the nose. This procedure is regularly performed with alar reduction, a procedure to reduce the width of nostrils, giving you a greatly refined nasal projection.

Artificial materials or cartilages taken from other body parts are used to support the tip and augment the bridge. Artificial implants used for augmentation are common and can be implanted in a relatively simpler procedure but it carries higher risks of infection and failure that often require revision surgery. Therefore, autologous cartilages are most commonly used as they show long-term stability.

Revision Rhinoplasty

A botched nose job can be caused by a surgical error, problems during recovery, or subsequent injuries to the nose after the initial procedure. This may alter the result of your primary rhinoplasty. In such cases, a secondary or revision rhinoplasty can be performed.

This procedure requires a formal open rhinoplasty technique that is more complex than the original procedure and is usually associated with a longer period of rehabilitation postoperatively. Grafts like cartilage that is extracted from the inner nose or other body parts like the ribs are often used in this type of procedure.

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Open vs Closed Male Rhinoplasty

Two techniques can be used for rhinoplasty Surgery:

. Open rhinoplasty: In this technique, a small incision is made in the vertical strip of the nose tip thus allowing increased access making it possible to have an extensive reshaping of your nose.

. Closed rhinoplasty: In this technique, a small incision is made inside the nostrils and is best for men looking to have minor changes in their noses.

Final Word

Rhinoplasty, or nose surgery, is a popular cosmetic procedure in Iran, especially among men. Many Iranian men seek to improve the shape, size, or function of their noses through rhinoplasty. Iran has some of the best rhinoplasty surgeons in the world, who have extensive experience and skill in performing different types of nose surgeries. The cost of rhinoplasty in Iran is also much lower than in other countries, making it an attractive option for many people who want to enhance their appearance and confidence.

About Iranian Surgery

Iranian surgery is an online medical tourism platform where you can find the best doctors and plastic surgeons in Iran. The price of male Rhinoplasty in Iran can vary according to each individual’s case and will be determined by an in-person assessment with the doctor.

For more information about the cost of male Rhinoplasty in Iran  and to schedule an appointment in advance, you can contact Iranian Surgery consultants via WhatsApp number 0098 901 929 0946. This service is completely free.

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