Hit Nose After Rhinoplasty

It’s every patient’s worst nightmare. You’ve finally gotten that rhinoplasty procedure you’ve always wanted, but an unintentional bump could ruin your results.

It’s a scenario that almost every patient fears, but is a hit nose after rhinoplasty truly that bad? And what if you inadvertently bump your nose after rhinoplasty? Continue reading to learn everything you need to know.

What Can Happen If You Have a Nose Hit After Rhinoplasty?

While the prospect of a nose bump following rhinoplasty may be unsettling, in most cases, a minor bump should not cause significant damage to your new nose. The extent of the damage caused by a nose bump is largely determined by the severity of the hit and the length of time since your rhinoplasty.

Your new nose will be most vulnerable in the first one to two weeks after the procedure, and it typically takes six to eight weeks for your nose to regain strength comparable to what it was prior to the procedure. As a result, a minor hit on the nose one month after rhinoplasty is likely to have less of an impact than a nose bump one week after surgery.

If your nose takes a significant hit during the early recovery period, the nasal bones may become displaced, necessitating a rhinoplasty revision.

Simple Ways to Prevent a Nose Hit After Rhinoplasty

If you want to avoid having to front up to your doctor saying “I accidentally bumped my nose after rhinoplasty”, “I hit my nose 1 week after rhinoplasty” or “my dog hit nose after rhinoplasty”, it’s important to know what not to do after rhinoplasty.

Here are some helpful tips you should follow to minimize the likelihood of experiencing a nose bump:

. Follow your doctor’s instructions about how to sleep after rhinoplasty. Sleeping in a slightly elevated position propped up by pillows is ideal, as it will ensure you don’t accidentally roll over onto your new nose while asleep.

. Sleep alone to ensure a stray limb from your partner, child or pet can’t accidentally cause a nose hit after rhinoplasty.

. Continue to wear your nose splint for as long as your doctor recommends (usually around one week).

. Avoid any type of physical activity which could lead to an accidental bump.

. Give your body everything it needs to support a smooth recovery by following a healthy diet, drinking plenty of water and getting lots of rest.

What To Do If You Accidentally Bump Your Nose

If you accidentally bumped your nose after having rhinoplasty, apply a cold compress immediately to help reduce swelling. If you believe your nose has been broken or fractured, or if you are concerned that the hit has caused significant damage, you should contact your surgeon, who will be able to examine your nose for injury.

How Do I Know If I Damaged My Rhinoplasty Results?

It’s possible that you’ve permanently damaged your nose after rhinoplasty if you’re experiencing the following:

. Excessive bleeding

. Severe pain

. Displaced nasal structure

Many people also experience swelling after a traumatic event. However, it’s not always indicative of a deep injury. The swelling should subside after a couple of weeks. However, if it doesn’t, there may be a fracture, in which case you should inform your surgeon.

About Iranian Surgery

Iranian surgery is an online medical tourism platform where you can find the best doctors and cosmetic surgeons in Iran. The price of Rhinoplasty in Iran can vary according to each individual’s case and will be determined by an in-person assessment with the doctor.

For more information about the cost of Rhinoplasty in Iran and to schedule an appointment in advance, you can contact Iranian Surgery consultants via WhatsApp number 0098 901 929 0946. This service is completely free.


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