Worst Day of Rhinoplasty Recovery

Worst Day of Rhinoplasty Recovery

Worst Day of Rhinoplasty Recovery Some recovery days after rhinoplasty will be more difficult than others. From the beginning to the end of the healing process, you will face challenges as you adjust to your new and gradually improving appearance. But which day after rhinoplasty surgery is the most difficult? In short, and this is […]

Recovery after egg retrieval

Recovery after egg retrieval

What are the side effects after egg retrieval? How long does it take to recover from egg retrieval? What can you not do after egg retrieval? Is diarrhea a symptom of OHSS? Most women are able to go home within two hours of the egg retrieval. We make sure someone is available to take the […]

Endoscopic Sinus Surgery Recovery

Endoscopic Sinus Surgery Recovery

Endoscopic Sinus Surgery Recovery Recovery You will have a drip pad under your nose to collect mucus and blood. Change it only when it bleeds through. You may have to do this every hour for 24 hours after surgery. You may have some swelling of your nose, upper lip, or cheeks, or around your eyes. […]

Heart Valve Replacement Surgery Recovery

Heart Valve Replacement Surgery Recovery

Heart Valve Replacement Surgery Recovery What Is Heart Valve Surgery? Heart valve surgery and procedures are performed to repair or replace a valve in the heart that is not working properly because of valvular heart disease (also called heart valve disease). Heart valve surgery is open-heart surgery through the breastbone, into the chest. It is […]

Septorhinoplasty Recovery

Septorhinoplasty Recovery

Septorhinoplasty Recovery Recovery and Aftercare You should be able to go home the same day. If you had some packing in your nose, it will usually be removed the next morning. You will need to stay off work and away from groups of people for two weeks. This is to avoid catching a cold, which […]

septoplasty and turbinoplasty recovery

septoplasty and turbinoplasty recovery

Septoplasty And Turbinoplasty Recovery What is Septoplasty? The nasal septum is a wall that runs down the middle of the nose, dividing the nose into left and right sides. The septum runs from the tip of the nose almost to the very back of the throat. A bent septum (septal deviation) can cause blocked nose. […]

Abdominal Etching Recovery

Abdominal Etching Recovery

What to Expect after Abdominal Etching Recovery from abdominal etching takes some time. Immediately after the procedure, you may need to wear a compression garment to make sure that the cosmetic surgeon’s work seals and heals smoothly. You’ll most likely be able to resume most of your normal activities 2 weeks after abdominal etching. One […]

Recovery after Revision Rhinoplasty

Recovery after Revision Rhinoplasty

Revision Rhinoplasty Recovery Immediately Following Revision Rhinoplasty Surgery A typical revision rhinoplasty surgery can last anywhere from 1 1/2 to 3 hours, although highly complex surgery may take longer. The majority of revision rhinoplasty surgeries are conducted as an outpatient procedure. Patients are able to return home the day of the procedure, however, you should […]

Brazilian Butt Lift Recovery

Brazilian Butt Lift Recovery

Brazilian Butt Lift Recovery time Brazilian butt lift procedures increased 17 percent between 2018 and 2019, with more than 28,000 performed in the United States during the latter, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS). This increase can most likely be linked to a growing cultural obsession with the backside. “It’s the shapely […]

Recovery after LASIK Eye Surgery

Recovery after LASIK Eye Surgery

LASIK Eye Surgery Recovery What should I expect after LASIK surgery? . Immediately after the procedure, your eye may burn, itch, or feel like there is something in it. You may experience some discomfort, or in some cases, mild pain and your doctor may suggest you take a mild pain reliever. Both your eyes may […]

Recovery after Prostatectomy

After Prostatectomy You will wake up in the recovery room. You will have an oxygen mask on, as you will be breathing more slowly than usual while the anaesthetic wears off. You will have a drip in your arm to give you fluids and pain relief, and you will have a catheter in place to […]

Bone Marrow Transplant Recovery

After your bone marrow transplant When the new stem cells enter your body, they travel through your blood to your bone marrow. In time, they multiply and begin to make new, healthy blood cells. This is called engraftment. It usually takes several weeks before the number of blood cells in your body starts to return […]

Leg Lengthening Surgery Recovery

Leg Lengthening Surgery Recovery

After Leg Lengthening Surgery After your surgery, you will stay in a recovery room for several hours and then be transported to a hospital room. Most patients stay in the hospital for two to three days after the surgery. Sometimes a cast is placed on the leg for three to four weeks. You will receive […]

How bad is rhinoplasty recovery?

signs of infection after rhinoplasty

How bad is rhinoplasty recovery? rhinoplasty recovery is not as bad as you may think You may have some itching or shooting pain as the feeling returns. If bones were broken during your surgery, you will need to avoid injury to your nose for about 3 months. In 3 to 4 weeks, you should have a good idea as […]

Prosthetic Testicle Recovery

Testicular implant surgery recovery

Prosthetic Testicle Recovery time A testicular prosthesis is an artificial implant that placed in an empty scrotum. An implant can be used for men who are born without a testicle or those who have lost a testicle because of an injury or illness. The implant’s purpose is only to improve appearance and calm psychological fears; […]

Prosthetic testicle recovery

Prosthetic testicle recovery

Prosthetic testicle recovery How long do testicular implants last? Typically, testicular implant procedures are relatively simple and last 20 to 40 minutes. Patients will experience some discomfort during the first 24 to 48 hours after their procedure. Patients should be able to resume most of their non-strenuous daily activities within 7-10 days. What can be expected following testicular prosthesis […]

Laparotomy recovery while pregnant

Laparotomy recovery while pregnant

When to plan pregnancy after laparotomy? Are you more fertile after laparoscopy? How is your first period after laparoscopy? How soon after laparoscopy can you have a period? Can I get pregnant immediately after laparoscopy? A laparotomy is a surgical procedure involving small incisions through the abdominal wall to gain access into the abdominal cavity. It is […]

Laparotomy Recovery Exercises

Laparotomy recovery exercises

How long after a laparotomy can I exercise? Rest and exercise after Laparotomy Recovery time after Laparotomy surgery is approximately one month. During this time you have to avoid lifting and carrying heavy loads (maximum 1-2kg). You should avoid excessive pushing, pulling or stretching. Women should avoid heavy housework such as vacuuming, ironing; mopping floors […]

Laparotomy recovery diet

Laparotomy recovery diet

Diet after Laparotomy Diet Try to eat a healthy balanced variety of foods with plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables. Introducing high fiber food including wholemeal bread, bran flakes, beans and pulses along with plenty of fluids will help prevent constipation. You should drink at least eight glasses of water (or non-sugary drinks) every day. […]

Bartholin cyst drainage recovery time

Bartholin cyst drainage recovery time

Bartholin cyst drainage recovery time Recovery time After the operation What is the fastest way to get rid of a Bartholin cyst? How long does it take for a Bartholin cyst to burst? Is apple cider vinegar good for cysts? Can I squeeze a Bartholin cyst? Recovery time After surgery, you may have pain and […]

Tips for fast recovery after vaser liposuction

Tips for fast recovery after vaser liposuction

What to expect 4 weeks after liposuction؟ What is the best tip for fast recovery after vaser liposuction? How long after Vaser Lipo will I see results? While VASER Liposuction is a less invasive method of liposuction, there is still plenty of recovery time needed in order for the full-results to be seen. Recovery after […]

Ovarian tumor removal recovery time

Ovarian tumor removal recovery time

Ovarian tumor removal recovery time How long does it take to recover from ovarian tumor removal surgery? Does removing a tumor cure cancer? Side effects of ovarian cancer Can ovarian cancer come back after hysterectomy? How long does it take to heal from ovary removal? How long does it take to recover from ovarian tumor […]

Herniated disc surgery recovery time

herniated disc surgery recovery time

Recovery time after herniated disc surgery  After Herniated disc surgery What is the success rate of herniated disc surgery? Should I have surgery for herniated disc? Is herniated disc surgery worth it? Herniated disc surgery recovery time In most cases, the pain from a herniated disc will get better within a couple days and completely resolve in […]

Cranioplasty surgery recovery

Cranioplasty surgery recovery

What to Expect after Cranioplasty? After Cranioplasty Surgery Recovery You will wake up in recovery, and after about an hour you will be transferred to the neurosurgical floor or to the NCCU (neurosurgical intensive care unit). Your nursing staff will continually monitor you for any signs of a complication, and measure your pulse, blood pressure, […]

Stapled haemorrhoidectomy recovery

Recovery after Stapled Haemorrhoidectomy You will be able to leave the hospital on the day of the surgery itself. This is usually after about 6-8 hours after the operation, when the effect of anaesthesia has gone. You should have urinated once before you can leave the hospital. This is because some people experience urinary retention […]

Femoral hernia recovery

femoral hernia recovery

Is femoral hernia surgery painful? Can you walk after femoral hernia surgery? Recovery People recovering from a femoral hernia repair can usually go home the same day or the day after. After the operation, your groin will feel sore and uncomfortable. You’ll be given painkillers to help relieve this discomfort. During recovery people will typically […]

Heart Valve Replacement Recovery

Heart valve replacement recovery

Heart Valve Replacement Recovery Life After Valve Replacement What is the average hospital stay for a heart valve replacement? Exercise after heart valve replacement surgery Diet after heart valve replacement Do you feel better after heart valve replacement؟ Recovery Time The normal recovery time after a heart valve surgery is usually four to eight weeks, […]

Heart Bypass Surgery Recovery Time

Heart bypass surgery time

After heart bypass surgery  Foods to avoid after coronary bypass surgery How long are you in the hospital after bypass surgery? Can you live 20 years after bypass surgery? How long do you live after bypass surgery? How serious is a triple bypass surgery? How is bypass surgery done and how long does it take? […]

Heart Bypass Surgery Recovery

Heart bypass surgery recovery timeline What are the after effects of bypass surgery? How long will you live after bypass surgery? What is the difference between open heart surgery and bypass surgery? How do you take care of a patient after bypass surgery? Heart bypass surgery recovery Coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery is a […]

Gastric sleeve surgery recovery time

Gastric sleeve surgery recovery time

How long does it take stomach to heal after gastric sleeve? How should I sleep after gastric sleeve? Gastric Sleeve Surgery Recovery Time What is the Recovery Time for Gastric Sleeve Surgery? If you are curious to know what the Recovery Time is for Gastric Sleeve Surgery, read the following gastric sleeve recovery guide to […]