Thrombosis vs Embolism

What’s the difference between thrombosis and embolism? Thrombosis and embolism share many similarities, but they are unique conditions. Thrombosis occurs when a thrombus, or blood clot, develops in a blood vessel and reduces the flow of blood through the vessel. Embolism occurs when a piece of a blood clot, foreign object, or other bodily substance […]

IVF medication

IVF medication

IVF medication What medications are used in IVF? In a typical IVF cycle, a few different fertility drugs are used of which there are many different brand names. Here’s a quick guide to what these drugs actually are, how they are administered and what they do: Oral contraceptives It may seem strange to start IVF […]

IVF Medication Side Effects

IVF Medication Side Effects

IVF Medication Side Effects The topic of fertility drugs comes up a fair amount here at Iranian Surgery. Many patients, particularly those undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF), have questions about how these drugs work, how they’re used, and what side effects are associated with them. We’d like to take a moment to go over some […]