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20 weeks pregnant with twins

At 20 weeks pregnant, you’re halfway through your pregnancy! Some of your symptoms may have changed and you may even be able to feel your babies moving by now – but don’t worry if not. You may also be experiencing anemia during this time, and an increased sex drive, plus leg cramps, or skin changes. You’ll have an ultrasound at 20 weeks to view your babies in detail and it’s likely you’ll notice they are covered with a fine hair called lanugo and have eyebrows and eyelashes. They are on the move, their digestive systems are now working, and you may be able to make out their facial features on ultrasound.

You are 20 weeks pregnant with twins, and about halfway through your pregnancy! Your body is likely feeling some side effects of pregnancy and your twins are constantly changing and growing in the womb.

Twin pregnancy symptoms at 20 weeks

You might have some of the same twin pregnancy symptoms you had during earlier weeks, but you may have some new ones. At 20 weeks, you may also be showing a bit more since your uterus is now at or above the level of your belly button.

. Fetal movement and kicks

Most women can feel fetal movement by 20 weeks, though you don’t have to worry if you haven’t noticed movement yet. Movements sometimes feel like gas or “fluttering” at first and might take some time for you to recognize it as your babies move around. As your pregnancy progresses, the movements will fill more like jabs or kicks.

. Anemia

If you have anemia, it means there are low levels of red blood cells in the bloodstream. Red blood cells are important because they carry oxygen to your organs so if you’re anemic, you may feel tired and weak. Some women become anemic during pregnancy, and it’s even more common in twin pregnancies. There are several causes of anemia during pregnancy. Physiological anemia is the most common cause, and it happens because of normal pregnancy changes in the blood.

Lack of iron is another reason some women become anemic during pregnancy since iron is needed to make new red blood cells. Your provider may recommend an iron supplement, but you can also get iron naturally by eating foods like spinach, beans, and beef. Vitamin C-rich foods, such as oranges and tomatoes, help your body absorb iron better, so it’s a good idea to eat more of those foods as well.

. Increased sex drive

Discomforts of pregnancy aside, you may find that you actually have a heightened libido during pregnancy (especially during this time) thanks to the increase in hormones. In addition, you also have an increased amount of blood flow to your pelvic region, which can contribute to an increase in sexual pleasure and sex drive. But don’t worry if you don’t have an increased sex drive. Some women actually report lower libido around this time, too.

. Skin changes

During pregnancy, hormones can have an effect on the skin pigment melanin. Some pregnant women get a skin change called melasma on their face, which is a blotchy, darkened pigment, or you may also have a dark line, called a linea nigra, develop down the middle of your abdomen. Your areolas, the skin around your nipples, might get darker as well.

Twin baby development at 20 weeks

Between 18-22 weeks of pregnancy, your provider will perform a more detailed ultrasound, called an anatomy scan. This type of ultrasound will help your doctor check the development of your babies, screen for any anomalies or problems, and determine (or confirm) the sexes of your babies, if you want to know what their genders are before birth. Your doctor will also be looking closely at their positions, how much amniotic fluid is in the womb, where the placenta or placentas are, and your babies’ size and heart rates.

At 20 weeks, your twins are rapidly developing, but they still they still have a lot of growing and developing to do all the way up to delivery.

. Uterus

Your uterus is growing with your babies! It’s now at or above the level of your belly button and will continue to expand.

. Vernix caseosa

At 20 weeks, your babies are covered in a white, waxy substance called vernix caseosa. The vernix caseosa protects your babies’ skin while floating in amniotic fluid. It also helps them slide out during delivery. You might see some of this vernix caseosa on their skin after they’re born.

. Hair

Fine, fuzzy hair called lanugo is starting to grow and cover your babies’ bodies. This lanugo will help protect your babies’ skin and helps regulate their body temperature while they’re in the womb. You might see some lanugo on their body after they’re born, but they’ll likely shed most of it before birth. Your babies also now have eyebrows and eyelashes and will soon grow hair on their head.

. Motor movement

Your baby’s movement, coordination and muscle strength mature around this week. They’re even more active now, and you’ll probably be feeling them move soon if you haven’t yet.



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